With the market leveling out the question that has been asked by most of my friends and family has been: How are you surviving? I thought about what I would say for a minute and I gave a three part answer. The first part of the answer is the blessing of God. We could not possibly survive without God sustaining us and allowing us to not be desperate in the market and taking overpriced listing. The second part was education. I explained that I studied the market and realized that the market is not in a slump but has only leveled out. In fact, I tell all of my clients that the market is making an attempt to correct itself and the best thing you can do is to come into the market at the right price so that you can be victorious and not the victim. The last thing is that you have to have a good network. I know this is the business buzzword, but to be honest, if you don't network you will not reach your full potential. The person asked who is your network (as he was giving me information on a friend that was house-hunting)?. I told him that if you treat the transaction right whether business or personal, someone will tell there friends about you.
But enough about how I survive; How are your surviving? I would appreciate any response or suggestions