
His and Hers in The Trendy Kitchen

Real Estate Agent with Realty 2000 Town and Country

It used to be that a woman's place was in the home - but even the trendiest homes are now admitting that cooking is enjoyed by both sexes.

Maybe you like the idea of your partner cooking supper alone, just for you but kitchen designers are backing the togetherness theme.

Instead of the old idea of the working triangle (where the fridge, stove and sink are all within one step away from each other), kitchen designers are now suggesting we make way for the 2nd cook (the working diamond?)

Well, never mind the geometry, but the idea is that we now have two kitchen sink areas in one kitchen. Too many cooks spoiling the broth, you are thinking?

Well, not according to the trend - this being that once the kids leave home and couples are retired and childless, they like doing things together; including in the kitchen! (Did a man think of this idea?)

However, on a more serious note, many people do love to cook together, making mealtimes less of a chore and having more of a fun element, so here are the other latest kitchen ideas for you and your partner to mull over.

Having a new counter top can make you feel as if you have a whole new kitchen - so how would it be to have a counter top that changes color whenever you want it to? It's like having a magic wand! Apparently there are now counter tops built with a micro chip in them and when this micro chip is pressed the whole counter top changes color.

Trendy designers are encouraging us to go for the bigger kitchens these days as kitchen designers think that the 'cook of the future' will not want social isolation. A big table and a big family will all be in the kitchen to keep you company.

They have now introduced steam dishwashers, induction ovens and even floors that recognize your footfalls and adjust the floor temperature to your individual liking.

Why give the kitchen a makeover just before you sell the house? Do it now and enjoy the luxuries yourself for a little while!

Provided by the writing team of Scott Baxter. Scott is an agent who works with Prescott AZ real estate, and is on the cutting edge of new real estate technologies. To learn about Chino Valley real estate, be sure to visit Scott's website at

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Yvonne Root
rooms b.y. root - Prescott, AZ
Home Stager - Northern Arizona
Scott, How could I have missed this fun article? Being a bit of a daredevil when it comes to my personal decor it seems to me that having a counter top which could change colors at my whim might cause my family to bonk me on the head. You know, I wouldn't have time to cook as I would be too busy playing with the accessories for each different color. Whooo Hoooo, what fun. Thanks for the update concerning the possibilities. Now I'll never get any sleep. 
Jan 26, 2008 10:38 PM