I am extremely pleased to welcome Rich as a new member of the ActiveRain team on a full time basis! He will be taking on the role of a Community Builder.
Rich's addition to our team is very positive news for the AR community. Rich has been a member of ActiveRain since August of 2006, when the network was still only just a few months old! He has delivered very valuable and relevant blog posts, and has earned over 200k points, making him the top member in Washington state!
As a Community Builder, Rich will work very closely with Bob Stewart and Nicole Rae to support our members both on an individual basis and the community on the whole. We also look forward to him showing off some of his public speaking skills at various industry conferences and training events over the next year.
As I type this Rich is working with Bob learning how to use the "God Console" and how "not to break things"; It would be quite a PR disaster if Rich accidentally smited Lenn Harley... However, I would expect a post from him sometime today about the big news as soon as he finishes with his training.
Please check out some of Rich's earlier posts:
Fruitology 101: "What the HECK is a Lychee?"
"Slow Down and Smell the Crabs!"
"On Being a Groupie!"
"The ActiveTrain that Could!"
Frequent Comment Rewards Program
"My 100th Blog on ActiveRain"
Are You tired of "Half-a-Kraft?"
"Profile Pictures on ActiveRain" - When the Most Obvious is the Most Overlooked
ActiveRain becomes "ActiveRich!"
ActiveRain Addiction: "It could happen to YOU!"
"Disconnected-Rain" - Is it Just Me?
"BLOG, or Get Off the Pot!"
Turning Your ActiveRaindrops into a Tidal Wave! (A Newbie Tutorial)
Givers and Takers among the Rain
Counterfeit Blogging - "What's in Your Blog?"
One-Way Traffic Jams on the ActiveRain Blogway
A Welcomed Reminder