
Why it's important to create your own profile videos !!

Services for Real Estate Pros with Property Tube

By recording a profile video about you or your company, you are able to showcase all the positive aspects you can offer potential clients, you can display your recent sales in the area and also introduce people in your office. This can give you the edge when a buyer is choosing a Realtor to work with. 


As a Realtor, using a video channel on Property Tube allows you to showcase all your profile videos to potential clients without them needing to see you in person. We’ve got a great example of a profile video below: 


See an example - Phil Le Gree's Channel on Property Tube - (Click Here)


Once you’ve created your profile video, you can also embed it on your own website to introduce customers when they arrive. But first, you’ll need to upload it to your Property Tube channel. Want to know how to do this? Watch our tutorial video below. Don’t have a channel? Register a free Realtor channel click here.


To see more tutorial videos visit

NB! Remember when recording your own videos - be the same in your videos as if the client was to meet you in person...

Happy Uploading,


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Chris and Dick Dovorany
Homes for Sale in Naples, Bonita Springs and Estero, Florida - Naples, FL
Broker/Associate at Premiere Plus Realty

Very nice presentation Antonio.  I'm continually amazed at whats new out there for Realtors.  Property Tube seems like a great way to showcase the listing we all work so hard at getting.

Jan 09, 2013 12:32 AM
Antonio Bruni
Property Tube - Vail, CO

Chris, yes absolutely! Once a Realtor get's a listing it's only the start - marketing is the next step to finding buyers. Good realtors use all the resources available in order to make a sale in the soonest possible time. Video is the next best thing, its great for SEO and engages with potential buyers.

Many Realtor's are using Property Tube channels to showcase their listings, hope you enjoy using too.




Jan 09, 2013 05:04 AM