Today I had a near miss driving back from Nashua , NH. One of my tenants called me late afternoon. Locked himself out of his apartment. It being about 9 degrees with a blowing wind today, he left the house in a warmer down jacket and forgot he left the keys in his other coat pocket. He called me asked if I could drive over and let him in his apartment. I didn't mind helping him out. He's nice guy and good tenant. So I jumped in car, let him in his apartment and headed home back to Amherst.
Now Amherst is a lovely community about 12 miles west of Nashua. You could describe our village as rural suburban. Lots of woods and farms with homes generally on 2-5 acre lots. We have lots of wildlife living around us. I have seen in my own backyard, snakes, fisher cats , foxes, coyotes, lots of deer, even a moose!
Well I am about 4 houses down the street from my own home. I'am thinking about what to make for dinner for the family. It's about 430 pm. Almost dark. There is so much snow piled along the roads that the road narrows down to almost a single lane in spots. I had drop my speed as an approaching car came towards me driving in the middle of the road. Then in flash, a hugh deer bolts across the road between both cars. We both slam on the brakes. Alive and untouched, Bambi bolts into the woods and lives to scare another motorist in the neighborhood. As we pass each other we give a little wave and smile. Grateful our cars weren't damaged and we didn't have to deal a dead deer.
Just another average day in the life of a Realtor. Drive safe and stay warm.