What is with all the negativity everywhere I go about the real estate market? We are all a part of the negative attitude that has spread like wildfire throughout the country. The question is, are you a part of the problem or the solution?
When you are standing in line at a grocery store, bank, at a social function, or just talking to your friends, what do you respond to when they ask about business? Is your answer, "well it is pretty tough right now" or "Man, it is really slow but I am hoping it will get better soon!!". You are the voice of the industry and you have the power to give people the mindset of the business. If all of us have give a negative perception, the outcome will stay that way.
Next time you are talking with someone, tell them that your business is doing great!
- With the Market slumping right now, interest rates are dipping below 6% for mortgages.
- There are great deals for buyers with foreclosures and people trying to sell.
- If they are selling, they are also buying. If they don't get the price on the sale, they will make it up in the purchase.
If we all work together to point out the strong points of the industry, we may be able to make an impact. It takes time, start now and tell your friends!