
Another Amazing Real Estate Tale from Grand Rapids Michigan

Real Estate Agent with Westbrook Realty Broker-Owner

Another Amazing Real Estate Tale from Grand Rapids Michigan

I have a story to tell you, about a house that wouldn't sell.

This is a true story but the names and places will be omitted

so that no home sellers are injured.  This won't be a new story

for anyone in the real estate business for the last 4-5 years.

But apparently, people in the consumer selling arena  still

aren't familiar with the facts of home selling these days.


home front door


There was a VERY NICE home in a VERY NICE neighborhood

ina VERY NICE community near you.  The community has ex-

cellent schools, low home inventory, and lots of people who

would like to live there.  The home owners listed their VERY

NICE home with a local company and waited.


 BUT, the home didn't sell.


 And it didn't sell.


I am sure the original listing agent suggested a price decrease.

Well, wouldn't you?  But they got a different agent, a friend in their

church group had just enterd the real estate business.  They were 

sure that the new agent would be able to sell the home at 

their price. She was so nice. 


And it didn't sell.  


So they got a different real estate agent again.

The sellers knew that a really big company with lots of agents

to sell their home would make all the difference and they could

get the price they wanted.  The new agent was recommended by

a neighbor. But they had their price in mind, they were firm.


And it didn't sell.  

So they interviewed 3 agents and hired the one with the best

marketing program.  Their home was exposed to every venue

on the internet and to some they never had heard of.  This was

going to work this time, even with their original price.  They had 

a marketing genius!


And it didn't sell.

They had lots of showings.  In fact, when the phone rang, the 

lady of the house cringed because she was tired of preparing

their home for showings with no offer.  It was so discouraging.

But their agent said, "You just never know, this might be "the one"."


They got an offer.  It was below what they were asking by about 

12%.  Should they be insulted?  Should they consider this offer?

Their agent had been asking for a price decrease.  Was this a 

reasonable offer?  Their home had been on the market for 

almost 3 1/2 years at the same price.  But they had put so much

money into it.


To protect the innocent, and move the story along, the Listing Agent

was finally able to negotiate the offer acceptance.


And the home sold.


Moral of the Story: Home prices will flucuate on what buyers 

feel the home is worth.  Buy a home to live in and enjoy but 

when it is time to sell, the current market will dictate the price.

Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose.


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                          Contact Terry   616-292-7263







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Pamela Smith
Award Realty - Sun City West, AZ
Sun City West, Corte Bella, Sun City Grand

Yes, I have been part of that story, I thnk we all have.

May 17, 2012 07:06 AM
Beth and Richard Witt
New York, NY
The best Retired Brokers !!!!

What a great story... I love it... so very typical of our real estate lives today..

May 17, 2012 07:09 AM