It's OPEN HOUSE day...again and traffic is slow...again! Oh, I have used all the usual lures:
drawing for a gift certificate to somewhere, bottles of wine, movie tickets, and todays'
option: Jimmy JOhn's gourmet subs, deli dill pickles, southern ice tea, and some shortbread
cookies I found on sale at the local grocery. The only thing I am confident in is that I now
know what my kids will be having for dinner (I'm sure you can all relate) So the question is,
" is there any offering that consistently gets other Realtors in the door of an Open House"?
As Realtors, we know that Open Houses typically do not yield a buyer for the house you have "OPEN".
We feel obliged to sit, in sometimes completely empty homes, for hours on end- Usually eating way
too much of the food we have prepared (or bought) for others to devour as they listen to us drone on
about all the wonderful features of our listing. I must admit though, at this moment I am looking out
a huge picture window of a beautiful lake and mountains as a back-drop. NOt a bad place to be hanging
But it does give you pause as to whether you could be more productive at your office (with wi-fi)
crafting a "featured home" page for your listing. Or perhaps sitting with your office cohorts brain-
storming marketing ideas and pricing strategies.
Maybe a cocktail hour OPEN HOUSE. In this mountain town I live and work in, Apres Anything generally
gets people out of their offices. Yes! That's I just need to list a house with a western
facing living room, or patio/deck to showcase a beautiful Summit County, Colorado sunset and send out
cool invitations with pictures of martini glasses on them.
I'll keep you all posted on how that works out. In the meantime, I'd love to hear your suggestions
on what successes you have had with Open Houses!
ABC (always be closing),
Jenny G.