
It's OPEN HOUSE day...again...

Managing Real Estate Broker with Simply Summit Realty

It's OPEN HOUSE day...again and traffic is slow...again! Oh, I have used all the usual lures:
drawing for a gift certificate to somewhere, bottles of wine, movie tickets, and todays'
option: Jimmy JOhn's gourmet subs, deli dill pickles, southern ice tea, and some shortbread
cookies I found on sale at the local grocery.  The only thing I am confident in is that I now
know what my kids will be having for dinner (I'm sure you can all relate)  So the question is,
" is there any offering that consistently gets other Realtors in the door of an Open House"?

As Realtors, we know that Open Houses typically do not yield a buyer for the house you have "OPEN".
We feel obliged to sit, in sometimes completely empty homes, for hours on end- Usually eating way
too much of the food we have prepared (or bought) for others to devour as they listen to us drone on
about all the wonderful features of our listing. I must admit though, at this moment I am looking out
a huge picture window of a beautiful lake and mountains as a back-drop.  NOt a bad place to be hanging

But it does give you pause as to whether you could be more productive at your office (with wi-fi)
crafting a "featured home" page for your listing.  Or perhaps sitting with your office cohorts brain-
storming marketing ideas and pricing strategies. 

Maybe a cocktail hour OPEN HOUSE.  In this mountain town I live and work in, Apres Anything generally
gets people out of their offices. Yes!  That's I just need to list a house with a western
facing living room, or patio/deck to showcase a beautiful Summit County, Colorado sunset and send out
cool invitations with pictures of martini glasses on them. 

I'll keep you all posted on how that works out.  In the meantime, I'd love to hear your suggestions
on what successes you have had with Open Houses!

ABC (always be closing),

Jenny G.

Posted by

Jenny Gloudemans

Owner/Broker, MBA,CNE

Simply Summit Realty

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Karen Crowson
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Rancho Bernardo, CA
Your Agent for Change
Two of my closed client this year have come from open houses, and a current prospect. I use ant down time to blog. So don't find them to be a waste of time at all.
Aug 25, 2012 11:33 PM
Chris Jenkins-Sarasota Realtor
HomeSmart - Sarasota, FL
"Expect Success"

Many of my listing clients specifically request "no open houses".  One recently came right out and said: "You can prospct for buyer leads someplace else"!  I started my career years ago by holding open houses every weekend for agents who were not interested in doing them... obtained buyer after buyer; actually did sell one house (one). That was back when hoards of househunters would grab the Sunday paper and drive from open house to open house.  It's not like that here at all anymore.

Aug 25, 2012 11:49 PM
Short Sales, Foreclosure & Bank Owned Real Estate

Thank you Jenny for sharing with us! I like open houses it is opportunity to meet people e get some prospect to work with.

Aug 26, 2012 12:12 AM
Hella Mitschke Rothwell
(831) 626-4000 - Honolulu, HI
Hawaii & California Real Estate Broker
I met the buyer who was working with another agent who eventually bought another listing of mine. I am pretty sure that if I had not talked to him, he would have been steered to another house listed by that other agent.
Aug 26, 2012 01:14 AM
David Evans
HUD NLB Cumming GA

I love the cocktail hour idea! But broker open work and draw like crazy, I have done a white board with a contest for which agent correctly predicts the sale price... I share this with the seller and is very revealing from other agents and shared with my seller. Great post and congrats on feature ;)

Aug 26, 2012 02:00 AM
Pat & Steve Pribisko
Keller Williams Greater Cleveland West - Westlake, OH

We still do open houses for our clients who want them.  The best traffic we get at open houses is when we are not competing with another event.  Today, my partner (and husband) is holding an open house from 11:00 to 1:00, because the Browns are playing; and we want no competition.


Aug 26, 2012 02:00 AM
Michael Blue
Home Smart Realty West - Encinitas, CA
REALTOR - 760-889-8877, Encinitas/Carlsbad

I like the index card idea for sign ins instead of the sign up sheet.  Get the customer info and ask them a few questions about the home including price.  This can help with a price reduction later if needed.  Another post comment about the ipad app- openhomepro seemed like a really good idea too! Good luck.

Aug 26, 2012 06:48 AM
George Lawson
Moreno Valley, CA

Good thoughts. However, now with laptops and tablets tethered to mobile phones .. we no longer have to decide between the office or the open house to do "productive work"!

Aug 26, 2012 08:37 AM
Thomas McCombs
Century 21 HomeStar - Akron, OH

I do not like open houses.  You never know who is coming thru and what they are REALLY looking for or at.

But it is a good place to meet possible future clients and perhaps even get some computer work done.

Aug 26, 2012 08:47 AM
Joe LaVallie
HomeStreet Bank - Mountlake Terrace, WA

Some days are better than others. When I am working an open house with a Realtor, I bring reading that I want to catch up on, you never know if it is going to be busy or not.


Aug 26, 2012 10:11 AM
Mary Padilla
YES! Realty - Albuquerque, NM

I usually love sitting at open houses.  I have staged the homes, so I know they are clean and beautiful (and if they're not, I won't hold an open house there).  I get to spend 3 luxurious hours in someone else's quiet, pretty house, while visiting with generally nice people or in my worst cases, get caught up on other work.  It feels good to put some positive energy into the home.  I visualize the new buyers being very happy there!

Aug 26, 2012 10:20 AM
Mike McCann Nebraska Land Broker
Mike McCann - Broker, Mach1 Realty Farm & Commercial Land Broker-Auctioneer Serving Nebraska - Kearney, NE
Farm & Commercial Property For Sale 308-627-3700

Hi Jenny...having lived for many years in Colorado Springs prior to 2003, I realize that your buyer client may be a bit different than many areas...with many of them from out of town.

My question is this...would it be better to hold it during the week if you are trying to get Realtors through your OH?

I ask this because of your one comment>>> "So the question is,
" is there any offering that consistently gets other Realtors in the door of an Open House"?"

Or are you trying to get Realtor's who are showing homes on a Sunday to stop along with their clients?

I have never counted on other agents showing up for my Open Houses on weekends and if I was trying to target them...I did the Open House usually on Tuesday AM from 11:00 to 1:00 and did send out flyers or emails letting them know lunch was on me that day.

Is there a time in your week that they are out looking at homes for tour? Not sure what to tell you but I have always had excellent luck with Open Houses.     Good Luck on your listing!!


Aug 26, 2012 01:13 PM
Mike McCann Nebraska Land Broker
Mike McCann - Broker, Mach1 Realty Farm & Commercial Land Broker-Auctioneer Serving Nebraska - Kearney, NE
Farm & Commercial Property For Sale 308-627-3700

By the way Jenny, I see you are pretty new to AR and I encourage you to get actively involved as it does give you exposure...including posting the listing you mentioned above on AR...And a week or two down the road re-post in a bit of a different format...and do this with all of your listings... Good Luck!! mike

Aug 26, 2012 01:18 PM
Stephanie Arnett
Mississippi Magnolia - Starkville, MS
Forbes | Inman | BossBabe | Newsweek

I enjoy Twilight Open Houses :)  I have had good luck w/them around the pool.

Aug 27, 2012 01:25 AM
Lee Alley
Pro Mobile Photo - Snohomish, WA
DIY Your Own Expert Smartphone Photography

I love this white board idea: "a contest for which agent correctly predicts the sale price".  Maybe with secret ballots, though.  In any form, I like it and will use it.

Aug 27, 2012 01:43 AM
Travis "the SOLD man" Parker; Broker/Owner
Travis Realty - Enterprise, AL
email: / cell: 334-494-7846

Wine Tasting Open Houses.

Progressive Open House Tours - several houses open and each serves part of a meal (appetizer, main, dessert, etc...)

Aug 27, 2012 04:19 AM
Arizona Home Group RE/MAX Excalibur
The Arizona Home Group - Scottsdale, AZ

Something that is working well here where inventory is low is to list a home on say a Monday or Tuesday but do NOT allow any showings until the "Open House" you do on Saturday or Sunday. This way all the interested parties who want to see it come at the same time (less work for the sellers to have to just prepare the house one time) and because this typically draws a lot of people, it sets a sense of urgency for the buyer and you will typically get multiple offers and at better prices. Good luck! 

Aug 27, 2012 05:07 AM
Gene Riemenschneider
Home Point Real Estate - Brentwood, CA
Turning Houses into Homes

I always take my paper with me or a good book.  If the clients don't come I enjoy the quite and do some reading.

Aug 29, 2012 12:56 PM
MaryBeth Mills Muldowney
TradeWinds Realty Group LLC - Braintree, MA
Massachusetts Broker Owner

Wow I could picture that open house, maybe just similar wording in an advertisement would make people schedule an appointment instead!

Oct 21, 2012 07:56 PM
Wayne B. Pruner
Oregon First - Tigard, OR
Tigard Oregon Homes for Sale, Realtor, GRI

Good food and an Ipad raffle is the best way to attract large numbers of agents in my area.

Nov 18, 2012 07:46 AM