Hi! Welcome to the site. I see this is your first post.
There is a lot of reading on this site. I recommend that you read, read, read and then comment, comment, comment. There are so many different blogs to read. There are tons of topics out there from real estate, marketing, technology, seo, staging, mortgage, etc. It goes on and on. You'll start to get to know people and before you know it... you'll have figured out the benefits of the site.
Also check out Resources for the Active Rain Newbie.
Good luck!
Hey little sister! I see you made it to Active Rain. You look marvelous too! Keep up the good work. It takes lots of preserverance and hard work to make it happen. Remember to send your referrals to your older sister's mortgage company for pre-qualifying:
Peoples First Financial Services www.PeopleComeFirst.net
My My the little girl is all grown up now! Didn't I become a Realtor when you were still in high school? Ok, maybe it's not THAT bad and I'm not really THAT old. But I am so proud of you Pam. Who would have guessed that all these years later we would both be doing the same thing..only in different states!
I think the market in S. FL has taken a bigger hit than the market I have here in North Georgia. But I also think that your potential has NOT changed. The minute you tell yourself that your potential to do well is affected because of the market, you are sunk. Pam, your potential never changed. The circumstances around you changed. You get out there and work it like it's the best market in the history of Pam! I know you, and I know you can do it.
Add me to your associates and stay in touch! Love ya girlie!
Kimberly Wilson- Power Realty Partners Dawsonville GA www.kimsoldit.net