
Spokane Road Construction Map now Available!

Real Estate Agent with Exit Real Estate


2012 Spokane Road Construction Map now Available!

Spokane Road Construction

Spokane is an awesome place to live. We enjoy four distinct seasons, each of which brings new things to do and a varying range of weather conditions. It is common for our winter temperatures to range both above and below the freezing mark, and this "freeze-thaw cycle" tends to wreak havoc on our roads. Which means, come spring there are a lot of potholes to fill!

It sometimes seems like summer in Spokane means every major road is under construction. Even though this happens every summer, we all inevitablably run into a detour when we least expect it (and then get really grumpy because it makes us late for wherever we need to be.) You know what I'm talking about, right?

Well not this year! The 2012 Spokane Regional Road Construction Map is now available, so you can get the jump on the areas to avoid!  Click the link above for an electronic version of the map. You can also pick up a hard copy of the map at Spokane City Hall, Spokane Public Libraries,  and Spokane Community Centers. 

Darla and LeRoy Pilant are real estate brokers in Spokane, WA. Connect with them at or




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Jack Tenold
Jack Tenold LLC - Spokane, WA
Specializing in Reverse Mortgages

Hi Darla,  I am fortunate that my commute doesn't involve any construction sites -- at least right now!  Unfortunately my commute does require me to dodge numerous potholes.  When you have lived in Spokane as long as I have, you would think a person would get used to them. MMM.mmm not so much!

 I am happy for Spokane drivers, Spokane construction workers and the City of Spokane to have these projects laid out.  Thanks for the tip because I love maps. I think I will pick one up.   Best wishes.   Jack

Jun 05, 2012 07:54 AM
Darla Zimmerman-Pilant
Exit Real Estate - Spokane, WA

Thanks for your comments, Jack! Are you in the John L Scott building? LeRoy and I would like to meet you one of these days!

Jun 14, 2012 03:43 AM