
The Leads are Weak?

Reblogger Pamela Pammy Namowitz
Real Estate Agent with eXp Realty LLC

I read this and knew immediately this post was exactly what I needed.  It confirmed my thoughts and concerns, and hope it helps motivates others as much as it does me!!

Original content by Bob Stewart

The leads are weak? You're weak!(I originally wrote this post a few weeks ago and just decided to publish it)

I saw the most interesting comment on one of the real estate Facebook groups. It was the one about what to spend your money on put together by Jimmy Mackin. It's a group for getting feedback on products in the real estate space. Every day there are people in the group asking questions about different products and other agents who have used the product, are using the product or haven't used the product will give feedback. (Yes I know that covers everyone)

The comment was in response to a question someone asked about a company that provides websites for real estate agents and in some cases drives traffic to those websites to generate leads (alright, the spirit of full disclosure the question was about Market Leader, the parent company of ActiveRain). For the comment that left me scratching my head, it really doesn't matter what company we are talking about. Actually I wasn't scratching my head. More than anything it left me wanting to say something along the lines of what Alec Baldwin says at the 2:09 mark in the video below. Here was the comment.......

"I don't love it. I have had it for 6 months and my leads have been sub par at best. I have a colleague in the same area who has had a lot of quality leads, so I guess it is luck of the draw."

Let's clear up a few things about internet leads in general, no matter where they come from, but especially when they are coming from the same place:

1. Internet leads are what they are. Companies that provide them, or the tools to generate them do not dictate the quality of the leads. This is especially true when we are talking about the same tool or company.

2. If two people in a similar area have the same system and one person gets 'quality' leads and the other person gets 'sub par' leads, it's not the system. It's certainly not the 'luck of the draw'.

It's the person working the leads. No question about it. Some other system or way of generating internet leads is not going to make the leads better when there is only one variable in the equation. This is math. It's fundamental to what makes the world go around.

System X + Person A = Result XA

System X + Person B = Result XB

There is no way, it's impossible, that the system is the variable. 

The system is the SAME. The variable is the Person. Again, this is math and it's indisputable. When something works for someone else and it doesn't work for's not the something, it's you.

That reality in itself is not a bad thing or a knock on the person for which the something didn't work. If you can't convert internet leads on a system where others are having success, a different system is not going to return different results. Why? There are a ton of ways to generate business in this industry, find another one. Because the fundamentals of internet lead conversion are not on the system.......they are on the user. You're just not cut out for converting internet leads. But you could get better at it. You could actually learn a system that works.

3. The average internet searcher doesn't buy a home for somewhere between 8-9 months after they begin searching online. That's the average. Some spend two years, others will buy much sooner. So how then can we judge a system designed to generate internet leads in 6 months? On average, none of those people are ready to buy.

4. Your perception becomes your reality. If your perception is that your leads stink, but someone else has quality leads guess what will happen? Your leads will stink. I saw this so many times at our real estate company. The same system, the same leads, vastly different results from agent to agent. There was however one constant among all the agents that had success converting internet leads.........they believed there was value in the leads. That perception allowed them to do the things necessary to convert the leads. Because they felt like every lead was a potential sale. Guess what happened? They converted more leads.

Enjoy one of my favorite movie scenes of all time.......unless you are offended by some foul language. In which case, do not enjoy this will be offended.


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Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

I'm fininshing my 5th direct mail marketing piece to my investor farm area....they are getting copies my blog post about updates to the Virginia landlord-tenant law....

May 26, 2012 10:44 PM
Charles Stallions
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services - Pensacola, FL
850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.

A brokerage in our town came up 3 years ago with a plan to get real leads, not 6 months or 2 years he decided he was spending anywhere from a 100 to 130 to get an actual buyer so he started a program three years ago with a sign on every listing and in every home ad.


He got actual buyers and the agents around town went nutts because when their buyers drove by his sign they would eventually call him, his response has always been people will choose money everytime and loyalty has nothing to do with it, this is why Wal Mart thrives and Mom and Pop dies.

He sells more homes than anyone hands down, as a listing agent I don't have a problem with it but a lot of so called buyers agents do.

May 26, 2012 11:18 PM
John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Pamela - Thank you for sharing detailed quality information on the leads are weak.

May 27, 2012 02:43 AM