
Walker Green Drinks January 9, 2008

Education & Training with GLREA

It's that time again!

Ring in the New Year with Walker Green Drinks

walker green drinks

Have a reNEWable Year!

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Eva Armstrong
Environmental Visions - Tallahassee, FL
Environmental Visions
Hi Mary - I have never heard of the "Green Drinks" movement.  It sounds like a great idea and a lot of fun!  so did you have a good turnout for the first one of the 2008 season?
Jan 09, 2008 08:53 PM
Ed Vogt
Midwest Properties of Michigan - Grandville, MI
Grandville, MI Midwest Properties
Darn!  I missed it again!  Wednesdays are just the absolute worst time for me as I have other previous engagements.  When is the next one going to be and maybe I can pencil it in?  How did it go and what were the highlights?
Jan 10, 2008 12:28 AM
Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!
Hi Eva - You can go to Green Drinks International to see if there is a chapter in your neck of the woods. Light night. I think people are pooped out from the holidays and all the three day weeks! We always have an interesting mix of people!
Jan 10, 2008 12:34 AM
Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!

Hi Ed! Next Walker Group will meet Feb 13. It's always the second Wednesday. You may want to check the Grand Rapids group to see if they are meeting next Thursday. It was elbow to elbow last month at the Green Well. They meet the third Thursday. Highlights? Why me, of course! LOL! Shirley Flieshman, GVSU Professor who built the Green House on Watson shared much of the on going research she is doing with the house! She starts a new class project today. I am going to try and stop by for the blower door test. I have never seen one done.

Other highlight? A blast from the past for you. Your friend Phil Z from PHI!!!

Mark your calender!

Jan 10, 2008 12:40 AM
Ed Vogt
Midwest Properties of Michigan - Grandville, MI
Grandville, MI Midwest Properties
Where's the Green Well?  Thursdays do work out much better for me.  Sounds like you had a great time and good turnout.  I didn't work with Phil - that would've been before my time:)
Jan 21, 2008 02:45 AM
Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!

Hi Ed - Green Well is next to ICCF. I guess they moved it to Founders last week -- don't know where it will be next month, I will get ahold of Rachel and make sure she puts me on the blast list.


Jan 21, 2008 02:56 AM
Daniel Sundberg
Crystal Springs Real Estate - Kentwood, MI
Let me know about the next one.. hopefully my hockey and real estate schedule won't throw a wrench in the plans!
Feb 04, 2008 12:24 PM
Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!
Hi Daniel -- FEb 13! I hope you can make it!
Feb 04, 2008 01:02 PM