It seemed like it took three years for 2007 to get outta here, but it finally made it! YAHOOOOOOOO!! and I ain't talkin websight!
I've had some opportunities to chit chat via conference calls and video conference with some of the nations top mortgage minds. They seem to agree that unless something catastrophic happens, we should see a turn around in the third or fourth quarter this year. Can you say: "Thank you God!"
So this really is the time for us as profressionals that have stuck through all the ingorant spewing from the news and dorks in Washington that balme us for this mess, to begin making some plans for new business pillars and prepare to get busy again. What you don't want to happen is to be left flat footed when business comes knocking and you can't handle the volume. So clean up those desks and get some phones on 'em cuz your new assitant is going to need one. Make sure you call your existing clients and milk them a Jersey cow for referrals. And tell your spouse to shut the hell up because you just became suicidal. That should work. Okay, be nice to your spouse and don't tell them anything I said okay. It's just between me and you, and maybe you can live another day.
Let's just make it the best darn year we possible and then count our cash in front of the braggert at the Christmas party this year.
Wishing you the best year!