
Is It Time to Stop the Sprawl? Is It Time to Implement a Building Moratorium?

Real Estate Agent with Advanced Realty Services, Inc


Hello Home Owners in Palm Beach County!

I am here tonight to ask questions. To generate discussions.

These questions are not for everybody.

Just the select few that understand the questions.

Is it time to stop the sprawl? Should we implement a building moratorium?


Imagine if you will, Thousands and Thousands of empty homes, no buyers, and no renters. Wait, we don't have to imagine. We just have to drive through the different neighborhoods!

Wealth of current home owners is being stolen, by Stock Holders of New Home Builder Companies. These Stock Holders: 1) need to sell off inventory, and 2) need to sell not-yet-built homes on their empty land!

Those Stock Holders. DAMN! They WIN and they WIN.

If I owned Stocks in the Big Home Building Companies, I would Buy Long and Sell Short, Puts and Calls, Both!


OK, The Home Builders are Stealing Wealth from Home Owners. There, I said it!


In all of the previous RE Markets, the new home USUALLY sells for more than the older homes. Not TRUE in Palm Beach County (and other counties in Florida).

The New Home Builders are:

1) Taking tax dollars away from the County Governments,

2) Taking wealth from Home Owners,

3) Usurping Mortgage Company/Lender/Bank Money with each lower-ball Sale,

4) Driving America into it's 2nd Depression,

5) Paying Real Estate Agents Handsomely to help them _______ (fill in the blank) from the current Homeowners  



So, What do we do?

We Stop the Sprawl! We Implement a Building Moratorium!

1) We allow the builders to upgrade, update, rehab and/or replace properties that were built before the 1992 Code Change so that the builders can continue to work and pay their employees,

2) We allow the builders to replace properties in run down neighborhoods to make sure that poor folks and social workers can afford homes,

3) We allow the builders to restore the wealth of the Home Owners by forcing the Homebuilders to enhance and edify and rebuild, such that wealth is restored to those middle class folks that lost all their wealth becaue the Home Builders low-balled inventory homes to escape the oncoming depression/recession

4) We ask the current Palm Beach, and each of the Cities' and Towns' Administration, how they are helping the Palm Beach County Citizens


I suspect there may be repercussions. Nevertheless, As a middle of the road Republican and Real Estate Agent, I ask that you, for lack of better words, help stop the Sprawl in Florida!

Supply vs Demand --> Stop the increase in supply and the demand gets relatively stronger. (and the value gets higher)

Supply vs Demand --> Stop all future supply, and current supply becomes rare quicker!

Supply vs Demand --> Enhance the current supply by building Support structures and Anchor structures, and watch the Demand Soar!


Let's see where this blog goes, and then we may continue,,,