Friday PM Linkage: Torrential Downpour Edition
January 6th, 2008[A soggy ascent from MUNI, posted today by Flickr photog addictedimage]
· Gav claims SF is OK, worst is behind us [SF Sentinel]
· This bitch has a name: Mary-Kate [SFist]
· Mission BART felled by trees, not a movie theater [SF Examiner]
· Roads, power absolutely screwed, might remain that way [SF Gate]
· Safeway workers overwhelmed; appear slap-happy, maybe drunk [Coastsider]
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InterContinental Gets A Resto, Too: Eater's got the scoop, natch: Chef...
January 6th, 2008Eater's got the scoop, natch: Chef Dominique Crenn, most recently of Adobe in LA, will open her new restaurant Luce, in the future (as in late February) InterContinental hotel at 888 Howard Street. Luce is described as a "casual-elegant Californian-Italian brasserie." Bonus: Bar 88 will offer a full cocktail menu with an emphasis on Grappa. Prepare thy livers accordingly. [Eater SF]
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Academy of Art University to Purchase Flower Mart Over Merchants' Dead Bodies
January 6th, 2008Brannan Street business owners are flipping the f%$k out- and rightly so, many would concede- over the Academy of Art University's proposed purchase of Flower Mart, an anchor to many other neighborhood flower businesses. The Academy has offered $15 million cash for the building, part of which it has been using as a sculpture studio. On December 30th, tenants were issued an eviction notice set for February 28th, 2 months earlier than initially proposed; many say that loss of the business would decimate the city's flower center, which has resided there since 1931. Worry not (or less, at least) those opposed to the Academy's
colonization of the entire city expansion plans: zoning laws are changing. The sculpture studio is no more due a recent 45-day moratorium on institutional use of the Western SoMa region; city supes are expected to lock down the area for an additional 2 years. The Academy was unaware, it claims, that Flower Mart's current owners issued the notices- tenants and other business owners in the area say that the building's sale will decimate area business. Please note: the Academy has been slapped with 44 violations of the code/permit variety as it has bought up and converted buildings across the city. And these flower folks? You'll pry those stems from their cold, dead hands.
· Academy of Art opponents air complaints against Flower Mart deal [SF Business Times]
· Building Control: Academy of Art University Under Fire [Curbed SF]
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Snapped SF: Leaky Lens on New Mongomery
January 6th, 2008Snapped SF is a collaborative photo essay of sorts- we love to see the city through your eyes, and in turn show it to our readers. Submit your snaps to us directly or, better yet, join the Curbed SF Flickr group.
Flickr photog Premshree Pillai had a rough morning today. We feel you, man. Says our beleaguered downtown denizen: "I woke up this morning shocked to find water all over my window sill, thanks to the menacing rains and wind. Until the plumber comes, I'm playing with towels. This is NOT fun." No, good sir, it is not.