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What happens when you pay for a title search?  First the Title Company looks up county records for the property in question.  Records are kept for every transaction in which the title changes hands, and in which a lien is placed against a property.

If the title has been searched before, the record of that search can usually be examined.  If the search shows the title is clear, that is with no claims against it, title insurance can be issued.

The function of title insurance is to protect the insured against claims which were not revealed in the search, should an undiscovered claim arise.

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Susan Trombley
Trombley Real Estate - Wake Forest, NC
Broker/Realtor, Raleigh, Cary, Wake Forest, Youngs
Yes, and I have been involved with a situation where it did not get recorded correctly and the seller wanted then to give a special warranty when the general was to be given. It was a mess but the county records were not filed properly and all got resolved but it needed fixed for the next sale.
Jan 08, 2008 01:29 AM
Jason Keeling
Ryson Real Estate - Galveston, TX
yes my wife works for stewart title Galveston ( the oldest title co) and they have a 4 story building... two of which are just old records going back to the late 1800's... lots of records. A lot of history too....
Jan 08, 2008 01:31 AM