Maryland, The Stupid State. We have a new Democratic Governor, in an almost all one party State, that thinks by calling a special session of the State houses of Congress and forcing through higher taxes and raising fees on anything and everything in sight, without Public Hearings, because of an imaginary Budget Deficit we will attract new businesses and encourage more people to move to Maryland. Its kind of interesting the last Governor was a Republican and when he left Office the State had a budgt surplus. He also wanted to bring slots to Maryland so that we could compete with are Border States and keep gambling revenues in Maryland but the State Legislature, almost all Democratic, was against it. Today the new idea, and one that I endorse is to bring full Casino gambling into our State. It would enhance our State coffers bring Millions of Dollars and not take the money from the poor and old ladies like slots. The Casinos would also provide jobs to many in blighted areas of Baltimore City. Casino Gambling may also invigorate our failing Horse Racing Industry. The greatest benefit that we may derive, as Realtors, would be the lowering of Property Taxes and Real Estate Closing Costs. Which would help to encourage more home buying and bolster the sagging Real estate Market. The allowing of Casino Gambling would also help to provide an active entertainment industry that help to entice many Government and Armed Forces personnel that are slated to come to Maryland because of BRAC. I realize that Casino Gambling comes with inherent problems both social and possibly criminal but the advantages far outweigh the detracting features. It would be appreciated by all Marylanders if the all of the Taxes could be lowered.