Over the past week, I have spent considerable time looking back. Lorie and I attended the wedding of the daughter of good friends from the first church where I served as pastor on May 26. Being at the wedding was great. We were able to connect with friends and personal connections we had at the church.
The actual church space at Zion Mennonite is architecturally wonderful. I was reminded how much I loved the building, the worship space and the people with whom I served. One of the unique features of the building is that the cross is in the center of the worship space and the pews are off center. This has theological significance. I used to like to joke, “People do not know what to do with the cross. It seems to be in the way!”
Those were fantastic years for me. I grew as a pastor and a person. However, I made a decision to move from that place which afforded me more opportunities for growth and maturity.
I no longer serve as a pastor, but am working as a real estate agent. The act of remembering and reconnecting needs to serve as a pointer towards the future. I realized anew I have no regrets with the decisions I have made. How about you?
If you find yourself living with regret, what are you going to do about it? If you need to make amends or ask for forgiveness, get to it. Make peace with your past, look forward and embrace living. This wedding was a great reminder of that for me.
A good transition form pastor to real estate agent. .I;m glad you've survived the shock!. .lol
Thanks Fernando. I have definitely survived and now it is time to thrive even more. HA! Thanks for stopping by.
I lived with regret for many years Cal, but finally I forgave myself for that and now I live with peace of complete forgiveness for that "thing".
Tammy, I am glad to hear it. The peace and happiness of living in the present is such a wonderful thing.
Endre, glad this post connected with you. I agree that some things are easier said than done. Overcoming obstacles to living in the "now" are definitely not easy. Best!
Cal, lovely post. Thank you. Rather than looking back, I need to be gentle with myself looking forward. We had a rough past 5 years with my husband's business tanking.... Need to move past the "waiting for the other shoe to drop". I am doing it though!!
Good for you Paula. It sounds like there have been some great challenges over the past few years. I wish you the very best as you look towards the future. Be well.
I too have alot of regrets for different reasons but I am trying to move forward and not let them drag me down and only see the positives.