Sellers struggle with when to place their home on the market. When should I make my home for sale in Lancaster, PA? This is a tough question because it deals with emotions and fears.
The easy answer is, “When you decide it is time to move and your house is ready, you should have your home on the market.” Unless you have the means to buy one home before selling the other home, this is the standard advice I give. If getting a new mortgage on a new home for sale in Lancaster, PA is contingent upon the sale of your present home, then you have to sell your home. Even if you find the greatest home to buy, it will be difficult to land your next home with a contract that is contingent upon the sale and settlement of your current home.
A seller seems to fear not finding the right home if his or her home sells. However, the first question as a seller of a home for sale in Lancaster, PA you must decide is, “Is it time to sell my home in order to move into a new chapter of life?” As a seller, you must decide this. You are either all in or you are not.
Have you ever dipped your toe in a pool to “test the waters.” Invariably it feels cold. But if you are going to swim, you gotta jump in. So if you believe it is time to move, then it is time to list your home.
Give me a call and I will be glad to further discuss this important decision with you.