If your home is for sale in Lancaster, PA, you are called by our showing service to schedule a showing and you accept, “How do you prepare?”
You have already prepared your home for sale by decluttering, major cleaning, making sure the lawn, shrubs and flowers beds are well manicured and repairs have been completed. Imagine a guest coming to visit you and what you would do to prepare for this guest.
It is recommended to:
Make sure the home is clean. Carpets vacuumed, furniture dusted, bathrooms are clean.
Dishes in dishwasher or in the cupboards.
Counters clean.
Mail neatly stacked.
Things in their place, so to speak.
Lawn freshly cut.
When your home is prepared, plan to be gone. Go visit family or friends. Go grocery shopping, take a walk or find a quiet spot to read at the local coffee shop. Buyers will feel much freer to examine your home if you are not present.
This is your opportunity to make a great first impression. This is your opportunity to get your home for sale in Lancaster, PA sold.
Contact me to learn more about selling your home.