Do you ever feel like there isn't enough time in the day to do everything? Do you feel as if you are always neglecting something or someone?
It is hard for women to be all to everyone that is important to them. It is going to happen...your husband is going to be upset because you were on the phone...AGAIN with a client or co-worker. Your children are going to be disappointed because you...AGAIN missed another school function. Then there is that friend that is upset because you cannot talk to them right now because you are trying to make things better with your husband and children.
I am sure there are those folks who just love to talk on the phone. I don't LOVE to talk on the phone, but I realize it is the main artery in my business. I must admit though, at times, I want to throw it as far as I can. I want to see it sink into the darkness of the ocean, the endlessness of a black hole, or just put my high heel through the screen of it. Then, I slap myself and realize that I can't.
I was talking to a co-worker who said that her husband gets upset every once in a while about her phone. She informs him that the call was paying for the groceries next week or the electricity next month. He then realizes, oh...I understand now.
Then, there are the kids...they want the Wii, the Gameboy, the clothes. They haven't yet realize what it takes to be able to buy them. They don't understand that mommy's job isn't a 9-5. Even though, we as realtors try our best to make it that way. They don't always understand why you are not there to see them achieve success.
Ultimately, we can only do as much as we can. We can only satisfy so many people at the end of the day. Honestly, most people understand that. It is WE that put the pressure on ourselves to be everything to everyone.