
Let's Get It Started!

Real Estate Agent

First off, I'd like to start by letting everyone know that this is my first blog ever and forgive me if the topic has been covered.

I am new to the industry and I believe one of the biggest hurdles is getting quality leads.  As many Realtors are, I am really an independent contractor.  My Brokerage does not do any advertising for me.  This is really my own business and never having been a business owner before, I never really thought about a specific marketing plan.  I always just thought "I gotta get my name out there". But how??  This my biggest question.  What are some simple, yet, effective plans?  What are some ideas that have failed miserably?  How much is the internet changing things for Realtors?  I hope the veterans can shed some light on this for us still wet behind the ears. I also hope that people that are new to this profession may have a new take on things from other walks of life that can be applied to Real Estate. 

I hope that these questions will provoke some good ideas out that everyone can benefit from.


Alex Thiel

P.S.  I would also appreciate feedback on this, my first, blog.

Ryan Hukill - Edmond
405home @ ERA Courtyard - Edmond, OK
Realtor, Team Lead
Alex, first I'll rate your post. Great! You've brought out some of the obvious questions that every new Realtor wants to ask. Some may be too shy to ask and other don't even know what to ask to get started. I'm not a Golden Oldie by any means. I started my career in Real Estate only 4 years ago but it's amazing how much you learn in 4 years! :)  Getting your name out there is definitely the name of the game... you've got the right idea there. Talk to EVERYONE you know and even those you don't! Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to someone you see looking at a real estate circular in a restaurant... that may be your next client. I spend A LOT of time driving around the new developments in my area, meeting builders & contractors and even run across a buyer now & then who happens to be stumbling through a home under construction. Here's my take on it: If you're in Real Estate and you're not out and about, in the car, driving the neighborhoods, etc, you're not making money. Use the opportunities that are in front of you every day...  talk to your dry cleaner, the guy at the gas pump next to you, the lady behind you in line at the grocery store. With a little practice, it becomes VERY easy to steer any conversation to Real Estate!
Jan 09, 2007 03:22 PM
Alex Thiel
San Tan Valley, AZ

Thanks, Ryan.  Yes, I think that I have a good grasp on steering almost every conversation I have to Real Estate ( it's driving my girlfriend crazy!!). 

What are some tips or trick that you or others have used in advertising to generate quality leads?

Jan 10, 2007 01:57 AM
Joan Snodgrass
Midamerica Referral Network - Kimberling City, MO

Alex:  Welcome to the industry.  Tried and true methods involve exposure.  Yes, As Ryan mentioned, talk to everyone.  Carry a fist full of business cards with you and plan to hand out at least 10 a day.  Wear your Realtor pin,  I think one of the new commercials shows a gal in the grocery store wearing her pin and a stranger stopping to talk to her.  If you have company signs for your car, use them.

Volunteer with some civic organization and meet new people that way.  I work a half day each week at our local thrift store.  Attend church.  Again, it's meeting people.  Pick a neighborhood you would like to have listings in,and knock on some doors asking for their help in locating someone they know who might like to sell.  It's amazing what people will do when asked to help. 

I was shocked this past Labor Day.  I had a couple out showing them some lakefront homes, but couldn't find a road I needed to turn at, so we stopped and I got out the map.  While looking up the road, a man came by on his golfcart and asked if we needed help.  Sure enough we had overshot the turn due to the street sign's absence.  When the golfcart man found I was a realtor, he asked me to come list his waterfront home! 

Jan 10, 2007 07:37 AM
Alex Thiel
San Tan Valley, AZ
Than you, Joan.  I definitely pass out the business cards and I am begining to see how important networking is.
Jan 10, 2007 09:00 AM
Alex Thiel
San Tan Valley, AZ
Anthony, thank you for the tips!  I am constantly working my SOI.  It is very good for leads.
Jan 17, 2007 02:44 AM
Gary Urich
Elliott Costal Living / Better Homes & Garden Real Estate - North Myrtle Beach, SC
North Myrtle Beach Real Estate

congrats on first post

Gary Urich 

Jan 17, 2007 04:57 AM
Alex Thiel
San Tan Valley, AZ
Thank you, Gary.  Check out my other blogs. I think I am getting the hang of things.
Jan 17, 2007 05:07 AM
William Collins
ERA Queen City Realty - Scotch Plains, NJ
Property and Asset Management


When I started I had some very basic things I did to get beyond my circle of influence. I used the local paper as a source for leads. I took company stationary and sent letters of congratulations to newlyweds,  new parents, newly promoted business people and newly engaged couples. Very few people get such best wishes from strangers, so it stands out. I got listings and sales. Make this a part of your routine. It will pay off.

Jan 17, 2007 07:14 PM
Kaushik Sirkar
Call Realty, Inc. - Chandler, AZ
In addition to the posts by others - of course continue to participate in AR :)
Jan 21, 2007 12:24 PM
Alex Thiel
San Tan Valley, AZ

William- Very creative. Thanks!

Kaushik- I will (I think I'm a Rainaholic now)

Jan 24, 2007 01:39 PM