
Sneak Peak at Salem and Dallas Oregon Tour Homes 2012

Home Stager with Creative Concepts-Home Staging and Contracting, Salem Oregon CCB #180695

Our Salem Oregon staging company has had so much fun staging Salem and Dallas builder tour homes this past week! We were thrilled to stage for three local builders at four homes and hope you will be sure to see them as you attend the 2012 Home Buiilders Assocation Tour of Homes for Marion/Polk Counties!  Need more information about the tour?  Here's a link to the blog with the details.

Here's a sneak peak at the houses!

793 Hawthorne, Dallas (#5 on map) $299,000 (amazing house for this price)

Fabulous great room! You'll have to stop by and see the beautiful fireplace in person - spectacular entry too!
What's not to love about this huge bathroom!

 1707 Jonathan Ave, Dallas Oregon - $159,900 (#6 on map)

You're going to love this floorplan (and while I'm prejudiced I think the staging is darling)!

Love the vaulted ceiling and open floor plan


This kitchen is open to a huge dining area with great views 

 2505 Tournament Street SE, Salem (#11 on map) $224,900

2505 Tournament Street, Salem Oregon


Spacious master suite!


I'll post pics of these other tour homes in my next post!

5911 Legacy St SE, Salem Oregon (#15 on map) $249,000 by Dynamic Homes as well as one a couple blocks away at 2849 Trilogy SE


Hope you have time during the next 10 days to come out and see all the Builder Tour Homes, get ideas and see some incredible craftsmanship!


Margaret Oscilia is a Professional Home Stager with Creative Concepts - Home Staging and Contracting serving Salem Oregon and surrounding areas who specializing in helping home sellers stage to sell or re-design to live well.  

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Moving or improving?  Creative Concepts-Home Staging and Contracting has the expertise to showcase your home's full potential, stretch your budget, and maximize your time. 

Professional Home Staging - Reliable Contractor Repairs - Beautiful Results!

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Fred Carver Real Estate Consulant
Retired BC Realtor - Victoria, BC
Accredited Real Estate Consultant

Hi Margaret...Congratulations on your feature. Great staging Job, well Done, no homes here near your prices, more like double and not as well Done Staging if any.

Cheers, have a fun and successful day tomorrow

Jun 16, 2012 12:31 PM
Joan Whitebook
BHG The Masiello Group - Nashua, NH
Consumer Focused Real Estate Services

These are incredible homes.  We have nothing like this in So. NH at these prices.  Hope the buyers appreciate these lovely homes.

Jun 16, 2012 12:47 PM
Kathy Nielsen - Marietta, GA
Atlanta Georgia Home Stager

Beautiful homes that were beautifully staged by one of the best in the industry!


Jun 16, 2012 09:12 PM
Richard Alan Naggar
people first...then business Ran Right Realty - Riverside, CA
agent & author

To arrive at this juncture in life and be able to appreciate and own this type of product is worth noting...

Jun 16, 2012 11:40 PM
Phil Leng
Retired - Kirkland, WA
Phil Leng - Retired

Hi Margaret,

Congratulations on being picked by the builders.

That has got to be the best canvas possible on which to paint your skills!


Jul 10, 2012 07:30 PM
Catherine Ulrey
Keller Williams Capital City - Salem, OR
Equestrian and Acreage Property Specialist

Hey Margaret, I have seen your trailer on the road twice in the last week!

Aug 01, 2012 08:19 AM
Margaret Oscilia
Creative Concepts-Home Staging and Contracting, Salem Oregon - Salem, OR
Home Stager, Salem Oregon

Hi Catherine!  Hope we were driving nicely!  Every day we have a new house to stage and another to remove the's super busy this time of year for sure!  Hope you are having lots of sucess with your sellers and buyers too :)

Aug 01, 2012 11:29 PM
Susanna Haynie
CO-RE Group, LLC -Real estate sales and services - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs Realtor GRI CNE MCNE ePro MRP

I think, I am in love! It's a beautiful home! The staging really shows off every plus this house has to offer!

Aug 07, 2012 02:46 PM