Right now as the market slows down, it is important to keep in mind that buyers are fewer and you need to take care of the ones you have. Just because you did a great job last time you worked with an individual client does not mean you are "attached at the hip".
I was just referred to a new client only to find out he is unsatisfied, working with another agent. He said the agent had done a great job in the past but he didn't feel the agent was trying hard enough nor did he have his best interest in mind.
People: your clients want to feel you are doing everything in your power to provide them with the best service and protect their best interest (which we are already supposed to be doing). It seems that the agent was looking out for his commission more than the clients best interest--or at least, that was the conclusion the buyer made. Now he is ready to work with me because of this, and because of the wonderful referral from my past client.
If you do a great job, your clientele will remember and refer you to their family and friends. We've had so many great years in this business that maybe it's time to review how we conduct our business. If you are unsure, find out how you can be the best buyer's agent, no matter how may years you've been selling real estate. Buyers right now are like gold, don't lose them .