
“One Size Does Not Fit All”,…..that includes the Real Estate Industry!

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

I wrote this blog a couple of months ago, but decided to hold off on posting it until now.  I felt compelled to post it in response to Linda Scalan's post - Why My Friend Won't Join Active Rain.  I too was feeling some of the same concerns as Linda mentioned when I first joined Active Rain, but since I don't intimidate  that easily, those feelings did not hang around too here I go - up on my soap-box once again.


How many of you are running other businesses/working other jobs in addition to working in Real Estate ?

Hello all!  My name is Tina Little-Coltrane, and I am a NC Realtor who also happens to be a Small Business Owner.  I own and operate All About Cleaning, a Residential and Commercial Janitorial service as well as, MedBill Office Services which provides Income Tax Prep/E-filing services.

I have read a few other posts from Real Estate Agents on this site and others who seem to feel that the only way you can do a good job in Real Estate, is to work exclusively &/or "Full-Time" as an Agent/Broker.  They seem to feel that if you can not or choose not to commit exclusively to Real Estate that we should drop our RE buffs, get lost and "let the full-time pros handle all the business"!

Well since that's not going to happen, I would like to shed a little light on the flip side of that coin by saying-please get a grip,"One Size Does Not Fit All"!

Everyone's goals and aspirations are not the same.  Every market area, buyers, sellers and investors are not the same.  I personally do not have a desire to become a "Million Dollar Real Estate Producer".  If that is your heart's desire, then God Bless, Good-Luck and keep it moving but please stop making comments that suggest that if we don't work exactly like you or in the same capacity as you, we can't do a good job.

In my humble opinion, here are the makings of a good agent:

Good work ethic, honesty, industry knowledge, pride in your performance, excellent communication skills, a commitment and desire to help people, not afraid of a little or a lot of hard work and performing due diligence

These are some of the major key factors involved to getting the job done in a professional and successful manner, not whether you are a full time or part time real estate agent.

Can you meet these qualifications is the question.  Cuz dare I say...just being a "Full Time" Agent...does not a "Qualified Agent" make!

Again I say "One Size Does Not Fit All" Now I can understand the frustration that some agents feel when they are in a situation when they are fulfilling their responsibilities in a transaction and the other agent is derelict in their duties or just plain lazy with their responsibilities.  Irresponsibility falls on that particular agent.  Being Part time or Full time may or may not have anything to do with an agent's performance.  A slacker is a slacker is a slacker, not always based upon how many hours someone works.

There is a lot of hard work, time, money, continuing education, etc. etc. that goes into being successful in the Real Estate industry.  Most people and new agents coming in do not have a clue to what all is involved while working in this industry and are in for a big realty check when they get here. 

I have much respect and admiration for those successful agents who have built an honest business with much hard work, commitment and staying power by choosing to work exclusively in the Real Estate Industry, much love to you, but again I say "One Size Does Not Fit All".  What blows smoke up your skirt does not necessarily tickle all the rest of us.

Many agents are like me, very diversified with other interests.  We love the Real Estate industry, want to work it but just on a smaller scale.  We don't have big dreams of Real Estate grandur and that's ok for us.  Doesn't mean we are not capable of performing due diligence with the few prospects we have.  If I can close 1-2 transactions per month, I'm happy.  I am not trying to conquer the Real Estate world.  I keep up with industry and law changes, educational issues, marketing ups/downs, networking - (Activerain is #1), just like the big boys.  My main objective is to meet my client's needs, not how much money am I going to make.  Don't get me wrong, money is nice, I like money but Real Estate is not the only way I choose to earn a living.  "One Size Does Not Fit All".

Real Estate is such an interesting industry and I enjoy helping people with the purchase or sale of their homes so if I can have a few $$Cha-Ching$$ moments in the process, why not?  As long as I offer a professional, respectful and competent service for the few clients I may have, who cares whether I work full-time or part-time.  "One Size Does Not Fit All".  For me, regardless of which business my clients come to me from, Real Estate, Income Tax or Janitorial, meeting my client's needs, providing excellent customer service and a job well done is my main objective and the only way to do that is through honesty, integrity, knowledge and hard work, not whether I'm part time or full time.  "One Size Does Not Fit All".

Would love to hear from other Agents who have other business ventures outside of Real Estate.....what say you?

This is stepping down off the "Soap-Box"

Lola Audu
Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate - Grand Rapids, MI
Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!
Tina, sounds like you treat your real estate like a business...not a job.  I think that's a key component in your argument in this blog, which I enjoyed reading.  I've seen a lot of individuals who do this part-time have difficulty making a living and keeping up with the continually changing demands of the business.  And I've seen others do it successfully on a part-time basis.  I think that if the costs increase and there are fewer profits, some may re-think if this works.  It definitely seems to be working for you. Best Wishes for continued success in 2008.
Jan 11, 2008 07:04 AM
Linda Scanlan
A Fan of AR - Burleson, TX
Tina - I LOVE your post! I'm glad you shared it.
Jan 11, 2008 07:23 AM
Tina Little-Coltrane
Keller Williams Realty - Mebane, NC
NC Realtor/Broker and Notary Public

Lola -  I realize that how I run my businesses is not the norm and definitely not for everyone.  It is sometimes hard juggling my schedule, but understanding my limitations and how much I can take on is the key to surviving and being successful.  I love the diversity and the daily challenges.  No two days are the same.  Thanks for your regards and Best Wishes to you as well.

Linda - Thanks again! I hope this will help your Agent/Friend

May you both "Enjoy Your Blessings"

Jan 11, 2008 08:12 AM
Alexander Harb
Knights Investing - Mesquite, TX
Dallas, Texas Real Estate Investing

True size does not fit all.....

I think when I have read peoples posts on full time verses part time agents, they say that you cannot provide all the services a client needs because you are not available all day long (8am - 10pm) , 7 days a week....

What about the full time agent who is busy?

Are they able to just drop what they are doing and run to a client when the client calls on the cell phone...of course not....

And just like them, part time agents have other things to do until they are free to get back to a client....

'Enough said...  ;-)

Jan 11, 2008 01:02 PM
Tina Little-Coltrane
Keller Williams Realty - Mebane, NC
NC Realtor/Broker and Notary Public

Alexander....And how very well you said!

You are absolutely right.  It's all about how you deligate your time and schedule.  I know of "F/T" agents who block off hours at a time a couple of days a week to go golfing and/or shopping, etc.  Personally for me, I don't Golf and I don't do Malls so any of my spare time is spent in one of my businesses, if not with family obligations.


Jan 11, 2008 01:23 PM
Robert L. Brown - Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Real Estate Bellabay Realty, West Mic
A person of many talents. Very well written. I enjoyed this post very much.
Jan 12, 2008 05:48 AM
Tina Little-Coltrane
Keller Williams Realty - Mebane, NC
NC Realtor/Broker and Notary Public

Robert - Thank-you. Glad you enjoyed this post

Shawna- Who sent me a very neatly written, politely stated disagreement to the point of my post.  Clearly you do not understand the message I wanted to convey in this blog and thats fine.  As I stated everyone is entitled to their feelings and opinions.  Which brings me to the point at hand Shawna, people, thoughts, places, things are different.  If your goal is to make it "Big" in Real Estate, that's wonderful for YOU!  Every other Agent does not have to share your goals to work in the Real Estate Industry.  What I have a problem with is people who make insulting comments about others who don't have the same dreams and aspirations as they do.  Wrong is wrong and trying to make someone feel like crap because they do things differently is just not cool!

Why do some choose to live in the City, when others choose the Country ?  Why do some drive small sports cars, when others choose big gas guzzln SUVs ?  Why do some choose to be in corporate positions while others choose to be Independent Business Owners?  I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the point.  Diversity is what makes this Country what it is.  As long as what we do is accomplished in a legally professional manner, by committed and knowledgeable professionals, what's the problem?

And as to why I choose to operate multiple small businesses, why do you care?  Is my decision to become a diversified small business owner which includes Real Estate Services, affecting you, your life or family in any way?  NO!  I don't throw insults at people who choose a different lifestyle, personally or professionally than I do.  Everyone has to do what is right for them and their families and hopefully get a little enjoyment out of it in the process.

Your choose not to work with any part-time agents because you don't think that we put in enough time to become "experienced" and "knowledgeable" enough to perform due diligence, I completely disagree with.  That list of "why you won't work with part-timers" was insulting to those committed agents like myself who are very capable of closing a sale.  But you know what, I'm a big girl-mentally and physically.  I Thank-God daily for this big, beautiful, Diverse world that we live in, where everybody is not the same.  Different thoughts and opinions can be expressed without insulting someone by insinuating that all "p/t" agents are slackers without committment to this industry.  I know for a fact that is not true and just your opinion and generalization of a group of people.

And with that...I agree to respectfully disagree with your opinions and comments and that's OK.


Jan 13, 2008 01:54 AM
Tina Little-Coltrane
Keller Williams Realty - Mebane, NC
NC Realtor/Broker and Notary Public


It is not the fact that you have a difference of opinion that is the problem, it is the manner in which you chose to convey or debate the issue that is the problem.  Point taken: you speak from the experiences you have had in your dealings with part-time agents.  So are we to assume that all of your business dealings with each and every full-time agent have gone as smooth as cream pie and that you have never had a discrepancy with a F/T agent who was not prepared or capable ?  Unless you have worked with every single "p/t"agent that is currently walking God's green earth, you and others are making a generalized opinion about an entire group of professionals.  I compare that to people that have had inadequate Real Estate Services from 1 or 2 particular agents, now spouting off that ALL Real Estate Agents are lazy, overpaid, crooked thieves.  We all know that is not true, just a generalized opinion based on their experiences.

You, being a professional loan officer for over 8 years now, I would think, should understand this point.  I am sure that there are several generalized "not so nice" opinions out there about loan officers and you do not want to be lumped all together and judged based on the unprofessional ones.

Regarding your, in my opinion, inappropriate questioning regarding making money/multiple businesses, etc., maybe you need to go back and read it again.  Nowhere in my post did I state I was making a ton of money from any of my businesses.  Also, please go back to your response that somehow got sent to me by your comments in the 3rd paragraph from the bottom.  The entire paragraph in itself was very condescending, arrogant and unprofessional.

You also seem to be very perplexed as to why someone would operate multiple businesses, so I am just going to lay this out there so we can put this to rest.  Shawna, I will be 47 years old this year and have spent the 1st 20 years of my adult life working in cooperate America.  I started my 1st small business in 1995 and soon realized that being an Independent Business Owner was where I needed to be.  The competition is fierce in any field of business, not just Real Estate.  My decision to start and operate other businesses works for ME.  As I stated in my original post, money is nice, I like money and of course I want to make money or I would not bother to get up everyday to run my businesses.  I have a family to feed just like a lot of other Agents-Full and Part time.

In closing, let me just add - I do agree with you that burning bridges does not get anyone anywhere, but neither does insulting someone that you know absolutely nothing about personally or professionally other than what you have read in that persons post.  This is supposed to be an avenue for Real Estate Professionals to network and learn from one another, share ideas where we can all grow.  We cannot accomplish that if prejudicial comments and judgemental attitudes prevail on these blogs.

I encourage you to continue to voice your opinion, even if you do not agree with someone.  Just please make sure that your opinions and views are not judgemental and insulting to the person you want to debate with.  I have learned so much in my last few months here on ActiveRain especially from the debates that are done in a professional and respectful manner.

Good Luck and I wish you much success in 2008

Tina Little-Coltrane, NC Realtor/Broker

Jan 14, 2008 03:35 AM
ActiveRain City and State Listing Group
Christiansted, VI

Do you apply the same logic to your Dentists, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, and other professionals that may care for the physical and financial well being of your family?

Jan 15, 2008 07:50 AM
Tina Little-Coltrane
Keller Williams Realty - Mebane, NC
NC Realtor/Broker and Notary Public
Don.  I can honestly say I surely do not. But thank-you so much for politely giving me something to ponder.
Jan 15, 2008 10:30 AM