If you've seen any news on mortgages lately, you already know that the mighty Countrywide has been feeling the pressure from the mortgage meltdown. Today the deal was struck with Bank of America to purchase Countrywide. From what I've been reading it looks as if they will keep the name and operate business as usual. The largest noticeable difference is that Countrywide shareholders will receive partial shares of Bank of America in the deal. BoA's deep pockets keep Countrywide from going completely bankrupt, BoA gets the trillions of dollars worth of servicing rights to Countrywide's loans, and together they form an institution to become one of the largest and most powerful banking franchises in the world. Doesn't sound like a bad deal...sorry about the Bank of America pic, I just thought it was too funny not to use it somehow. LOL
For more info, click the link below for the actual press release I just received from Countrywide.
Bank of America Agrees to Purchase Countrywide Financial Corp.
Tony D. Howell
Mortgage Consultant
Olympic Mortgage Consultants, Inc.