IT SUCKS TO HEAR IT BUT THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY : Fresno continues to lag behind most of the nation in its pace of economic recovery, ranking 99th out of the 100 largest metropolitan areas in a Washington think tank’s latest analysis Wednesday.
I’m sure some people may think: “why does he post negative news about Fresno if he wants to sell people property there?”
Good question.
Yes, I do want to sell people property. Those stuck in Fresno (.com) because of family, job, or whatever need housing and I’m hear to help them but as a salesperson I don’t want to encourage anyone to live here unless they have to.
Seriously, we have crappy air, high crime and huge gang problems, add to that Fresno recently ranked number one as the city where your most likely to get your car stolen ; high unemployment and I don’t have the url handy but I recall that Fresno was near the bottom of the list of the health ranking for California counties. I distinctly remember that Marin County was the #1 healthiest county in the state. I dont know about you if I could I would be living in Marin County or San Diego. But, if you are stuck in Fresno (.com) like me and need to buy or sell property, I’m here to help you