
Red Rose Singles of Lancaster PA July 2012 Newsletter

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Lancaster PA RS134746A



Red Rose Singles of Lancaster PA July 2012 Newsletter




Rain didn’t stop the Red Rose Singles from their dine-out at The Black Knight June 12.  Instead of eating on the patio, 26 singles took up almost the whole dining room on the first floor!  On the 19th we had 24 singles out on the patio at Smith’s Hotel in Columbia.  Janice’s picnic Friday evening June 15th was a big success.  The counting stopped after 30 singles, mingling inside and out in her back yard on a beautiful June night.  Have a great July Fourth and remember why we celebrate it!

Here’s the line-up for July:

Sunday, July 1 - Singles Dance at the Valencia Ballroom, 142 N. George Street, York, 7:00-10:30 pm.  Entertainment by DJ Ray.  Admission $10.


Tuesday, July 3- Red Rose Singles meeting – CANCELLED DUE TO HOLIDAY.


Tuesday, July 3 –Special Independence Day Singles Dance at the Wisehaven Ballroom, 2985 E. Prospect Rd (Rte. 124), York, 7:00-10:30 pm. Live entertainmentby Kerry & Dee.  Admission $10.


Friday, July 6 –Blue Light Special, blues band, Twin Brook Winery, 5697 Strasburg Rd, Gap – meet at 6:00 pm –  music 6:30 – 9:30 pm.  Bring your own picnic food & drinks, chairs or blankets, plus something to share.  No alcohol allowed in.  You can purchase wine inside.  Admission $10.


Sunday, July 8 - Singles Dance at the Valencia Ballroom, 142 N. George Street, York, 7:00-10:30 pm.  Live entertainment by Rumor Has It.  Admission $10.


Friday, July 13 – Dine-out at Roseville Tavern, 1860 Oregon Pike, Lancaster – 6:00 pm – on the deck if weather permits.  Cecelia, 717-560-5756.


Sunday, July 15 - Singles Dance at the Valencia Ballroom, 142 N. George Street, York, 7:00-10:30 pm.  Live entertainment by The Headliners.  Admission $10.


Tuesday, July 17 – Dine-out at D&S Brasserie, 1679 Lincoln Highway E, Lancaster, 6:15 pm.


Sunday, July 22 – Singles Dance at the Wisehaven Ballroom, 2985 E. Prospect Rd (Rte. 124), York, 7:00-10:30 pm. Live entertainmentby Saxy (tentative).  Admission $10.


Tuesday, July 24 – Dine-out at the Hoss’s, Rte 501 (Lititz Pike) across from the Lancaster Airport, 6:15 pm.


 Sunday, July 29–Singles Dance at the Valencia Ballroom, 142 N. George Street, York, 7:00-10:30 pm. Band to announced.   Admission $10.  


Please bear in mind that the dances are not sponsored by Red Rose Singles, and are only provided as information.


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Brian Schulman offers expert real estate representation for buyers and sellers of homes in Lancaster County, PA.  To learn more, visit

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