When you are searching for homes for sale in Lancaster PA, the Pebble Creek Development is a desirable neighborhood in the Lititz area. Located just outside of Lititz borough, this neighborhood consists of townhomes and semi-detached properties.
9 homes have sold in Pebble Creek in the last year. Currently there is only one active listing. One home is under contract and another is becoming a rental. Homes have sold from $145,000 - $173,000.
Located across the street from the Warwick Township building and next to
the Lititz - Warwick Trailway. This location places Pebble Creek within walking distance of downtown Lititz. Lititz is a great town which attracts many tourists each year. Some highlights for tourists include Wilbur Chocolate Company and the Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery.
This development is served by Warwick School Systems. Children attend Bonfield Elementary School. Warwick Junior High and High School serve the entire Warwick School System.
Grocery Stores, like Giant, Weis, Stauffers of Kissel Hill and Weiser’s
Market are conveniently located with 5 - 10 minutes. The Lititz Borough offers various restaurants and pubs. General Sutter Inn and Bull’s Head Pub are two examples. There are also parks within walking distance located in front and behind Pebble Creek Development.
Learn more about homes for sale in Lancaster PA in the Lititz Area and specifically in Pebble Creek and call me.