The Oaks at Beach Lake Sub is located in Brighton Township, Michigan (Milford, MI 48380 mailing address) approx. three miles from the I-96 Expressway and Kensington Metropark. The subdivision is comprised of 55 luxury built homes. They were built from 1995 to 2005. Current prices for homes on the market in the Oaks at Beach Lake subdivision range from $430,000 to $675,000. Home sales in 2012 in the Oaks at Beach Lake Sub have averaged over $536,000. Two homes sold in 2012 in this sub were on the market less than 85 days each. Read below for updated real estate market statistics for homes sold in 2013 in the Oaks at Beach Lake.
The homes range in size from approx. 2500 sq ft to 5400 sq ft. The homes in the Oaks at Beach Lake Sub have amenities such as huge master bedroom suites with luxurious master bathrooms, larger spare bedrooms with "Jack 'n Jill" bathrooms, granite and upgraded cabinets in the kitchen, 3 car garages or larger. Buyers will appreciate the fine detail to architecture, manicured lawns and sidewalks in the sub. There are also walking trails in the sub. The Oaks at Beach Lake is located close to the GM Proving Grounds in Milford, Michigan.
Some homes are located on all-sports "Beach Lake".
Currently you can buy a house for $430,000 in the Oaks at Beach Lake.
To see homes for currently sale in the Oaks at Beach Lake Sub in Brighton, MI, please Click Here:
Search Oaks at Beach Lake Homes for Sale in Brighton Twp, MI
Real Estate Market Statistics for the Oaks at Beach Lake:
- As of 4/24/2015 there have been no homes that sold in 2015 in the Oaks at Beach Lake.
Oaks at Beach Lake Market Stats for 2014
- Two Homes Sold from 1/1/14 to 12/31/2014
- Average sold price was $436,500
- Average Days on Market was 21 days
Oaks at Beach Lake Market Stats for 2013
- Four Homes Sold from 1/1/13 to 12/31/2013
- Average sold price was $437,125
- Average Days on Market was 147 days
Please note that the Homeowner's Association does have restrictions like you can't park your boat or RV in the driveway or on your yard. HOA dues are approx. $700 a year and subject to change.
The property taxes are lower since the homes are located in the township of Brighton, Livingston County as compared to higher taxes for Oakland County.
The children attend Brighton schools:
This is a home I had sold in the Oaks at Beach Lake Sub: