
Search for Ranch Homes for Sale in Brighton, Michigan Real Estate

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Platinum - Brighton, Michigan

Are you looking to buy a ranch home for sale in Brighton / Brighton Twp, Michigan ?

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Ranch Homes for Sale in Brighton, Michigan

Please note that these ranch homes for sale may also include the townships of Hamburg, Green Oak and/or Genoa Twp that are in the Brighton, MI 48116 mailing zip code.

Currently these ranch homes for sale in Brighton, MI range in price from $59,900 and up. 

They have 2-4 bedrooms and range in size from approx. 700 sq ft to 3000 sq ft.

They may be located in the downtown area of Brighton or outside of town.

They may or may not be waterfront ranch homes for sale.

Contact me if you considering buying a ranch home for sale in Brighton, MI. 

Below are examples of ranch homes for sale at time of this writing.


Brighton Michigan Ranch Homes for Sale

The public schools is Brighton Area Public Schools:

Below is a picture of the SELCRA Meijer Skate Park that is now closed.  Good times were had here.


Meijer Selcra Skate Park in Brighton, MI  48116