
Covered Bridges of Lancaster County PA - Keller's Mill Covered Bridge

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Elite RM423455

Covered Bridges of Lancaster County PA - Keller's Mill Covered Bridge

The covered bridges of Lancaster County PA have suffered because of the hurricane floods of 2011. However, I discovered Keller’s Mill Covered Bridge had been reconstructed not far from my home on Middle Creek Road and it was undamaged. When we moved to Lancaster County in 1997, Middle Creek Road was closed and remained so until late 2010 or early 2011. For some reason I remained oblivious to the fact that the road had been reopened.

Keller’s Mill Covered Bridge originally stood on Rettew Road, but with increased traffic the bridge needed to be upgraded. The bridge was

carefully dismantled in 2006 and reconstructed on Middle Creek Road in 2010.

This bridge is painted white and as such is the only one in Lancaster County this color. Originally constructed in 1873 by Elias McMellan and then constructed again in 1891 after it was destroyed in a flood. It originally cost $2075 to build.

If interested in buying or selling a home for sale in Lancaster, PA give me a call. Lancaster County is a great place to live.

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Living in Lancaster Group


An agent who places your interests as his first priority. 
Cal Yoder

Your Homes for Sale in Lancaster Agent

Keller Williams Realty Lancaster

1630 Manheim Pike

Lancaster, PA 17601

Office Phone: 717-735-1145

Cell Phone: 717-413-0744

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Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

Hi Cal,  there are so many covered bridge in Lehigh county also.  They are most one lane but most are not available for cars anymore last I knew.  Have a good one.

Jul 11, 2012 12:13 PM
Kathy Schowe
California Lifestyle Realty - La Quinta, CA
La Quinta, California 760-333-8886

Your covered bridges are so chamring and beautiful.  We don't have anything like them here in the west.  Thank you for sharing Cal.  K

Jul 11, 2012 02:25 PM
Cal Yoder
Keller Williams Elite - Lititz, PA
Homes For Sale in Lancaster PA - 717.413.0744

Will, you will need to come home sometime and take pictures of the Lehigh County bridges and do your own series. I would love it.

Kathy, it is one of the things I like about living in the east. There is so much history right around me. I guess that would make a great argument for heading to Europe. Now there is some history. Have a great day.


Jul 11, 2012 09:01 PM
Gabe Sanders
Real Estate of Florida specializing in Martin County Residential Homes, Condos and Land Sales - Stuart, FL
Stuart Florida Real Estate

It's good to hear that these coverd bridges are being restored.  They are a beautiful piece of history.

Jul 11, 2012 10:23 PM
Stacia Whatley
John L. Scott Silverdale - Silverdale, WA
StaciaSellsHomes Your Western WA Realtor®

I love the mystique of the covered bridge. Very cool indeed! :)

Jul 12, 2012 02:45 AM
Cal Yoder
Keller Williams Elite - Lititz, PA
Homes For Sale in Lancaster PA - 717.413.0744

Gabe, I need to see if anything is going to be done to repair several of the bridges which were damaged in the floods from last year.

Stacia, they really are cool. I do love them.


Jul 12, 2012 09:05 AM