You've heard it before and you will hear it again...Real Estate is Local! Sometimes that is hard to remember when watching the evening news or reading a national paper or an article by an "expert", so Allen Tate Company CEO Pat Riley presents here the newest Carolinas Market Update for July / August 2012.
In this 3 minute video Pat discusses what is specifically happening in the real estate market in the Piedmont area of the Carolinas, the area of the country in which we at Allen Tate Company exclusively specialize, so you don't have to figure out for yourself how to apply national real estate information and statisitcs to your own region. Is there a difference? You bet there is!
Want to drill down further to your specific community and neighborhood? That's what I'm here for if you call the Chapel Hill, Durham, N. Chatham area home (or would like to!).In fact I can set you up with a regularly emailed Market Report, showing all actual market activity specifically tailored for your neighborhood or if you are outside my area of expertise I'll be happy to put you in touch with one of my colleagues in your area.
I believe that correct information is the first thing a buyer or seller needs to begin the real estate process. I'm thrilled to be able to provide it for you!