
Glendale Arizona 85302 Homes Sold June 2012

Real Estate Agent with Brookfield


Glendale Arizona 85302 Homes Sold June 2012


Did you know that 57 homes sold Glendale AZ 85302 this month and that the average home price was $107,569? Maybe you'd like to know the average price per square foot or other detailed information.  Find it at June 2012 Sold Homes Activity for Glendale AZ 85302.  Information is based on ARMLS.


Glendale AZ Homes for Sale has new listings, price changes and other current information to help you find your next home.  If you’re ready to sell or to start looking for your Glendale AZ home please contact me, Carla Morin.  I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.


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Tracy Oliva
West USA Realty - Arizona - Fountain Hills, AZ
The Oliva Team Arizona Agents
Carla,This looks a great property,good luck with a quick sale on this one,and good luck with your business and in 2012, E
Jul 12, 2012 08:05 AM