
Are homes selling in Dunwoody Ga 30338 July 2012

Real Estate Agent with Atlanta Communities Real Estate Brokerage 145795/173477

There are currently 126 properties for sale in the Dunwoody area which is comprised of both Dekalb and Fulton counties. The lowest priced listing is a 3 bedroom house for $162,000 and the highest is a 6 bedroom house priced at $1,099,900.  The median home priced to sell is $382,450. The median means half the homes for sale are above that price and half are below.

In the last 90 days there have been 79 sales with a total days on the market of 36 Days on the market. There was a 5% reduction between original list price and final sales price. Only two of those were new home sales reported to the multiple listing service.

Looks like we are headed into a sellers market folks!


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Barbara and Dona