Real Estate market has exploded and house hunting is hot! To help in selling a home/getting a listing sold faster, here are some very basic advertising actions that are cost effective or have no cost at all and require little time:
● (biggest email opt-in site for Realtors);
●Holding a few public open houses - advertised with good signage at key intersections and streets;
●House fliers with pictures and information on them posted outside the home with a “for sale” sign.
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Implementing the above basic and very cost-efficient advertising activities for my listings has totally paid off and I can’t stress enough the change came when internet advertising was picked up 10-fold at our office.
I was reading the local paper this morning and came across this interesting article by Diane Hymer called HOUSE HUNTING. She covers some great 4 points on attracting buyers but the one that I hadn’t particularly stressed – though have been doing it mainly because I have a young Marketer who works with me – was regarding the importance of advertising on the internet.
Diane said, “The importance of Internet Advertising should not be underestimated….. Approximately 85 percent of homebuyers search for homes on the Internet.”
So, this brings up this important and proven tip about house hunters and Agents listing homes for sellers: Provide wide exposure for the home/listing and not just local but definitely repeated local advertising.
As the internet is 24/7 available, buyers search for homes on the internet before contacting their Agent a lot of times. Some may even decide to move to another area instead of their earlier intended area due to finding a home on the internet and seeing how move-in-ready it is.
Having pictures of the house is important. Buyers like pictures and will pass over ones without pictures! Listing on MLS is good and ensure there are pictures but one must advertise elsewhere to, to reach more buyers and agents.
Hope this helps!
Lynn Tardibuono – Flipper Chick- Real Estate Agent and Co-Owner of Sun Pacific Mortgage and Real Estate. Serving Sonoma County since 1988. Her number is (707)523-2099 and you can also visit the redesigned website at