We are frequently approached with the "what if" questions that is associated with fear. Such as "what if housing prices fall more", "what if the seller won't lower their price", and "what if my house doesnt sell so I can move"? These are all understandable questions, however, no one can predict the future...sometimes I wish I could. But, what I do know is that what we have before us looks concerning in the real estate market but what I really see is great opportunity. Here are the positives in the current real estate market:
Home prices are dropping...means more affordable housing
Interest rates are lower than ever...for those of you who bought a house in the 1980's you know exactly what I mean
Reasonable Financing Options
New Construction offering huge discounts and incentives
Homes are more detailed and prepped for showings...sometimes that means the home is better maintained
Selling your home for less means you will also buy your next home for less as well
Here is another set of "what if's" to consider:
What if....Home prices don't drop any further...what if our market is at the bottom
What if...rates do start to go up
What if...homes prices start to rebound...can you still afford the same home
What if...my landlord raises my rent again
What if...you wait...what will if be like then
So the fact's are don't try to time the market.......any market.....because you will never be able to get in at the perfect time. As I am reminded by my stock broker! Do what makes sense for you and what feels right. Regardless of what the media is saying buyers are buying homes...so when will you get in?
What if you could find the home you want today in the MO Real Estate Market?