Homes for Sale in Lancaster County PA - Columbia feature 95 active listings in July 2012. 16 homes sold in June 2012 and there are currently 24 homes under contract. With only 2.5 months of inventory, one would think the prices would increase, but this does not appear to be the case. However, a serious buyer needs to understand with interest rates low and low inventory levels, prices will inevitably increase.
Columbia Borough is served by Columbia Schools and some Columbia addresses are served by Hempfield School District. Columbia Schools has over 1400 students in 2 elementary schools and a Junior and Senior High School.
Columbia is also served by many grocery stores, restaurants, flower shops and retail stores. Those interested in antiques will find at least 2 antique stores. To learn more about the homes for sale in Columbia in Lancaster County PA, give me a call. Now is your opportunity to buy or sale a Lancaster County PA home in Columbia.