
Does the right image or Photo inspire a better blog post?

Services for Real Estate Pros with

Royalty free pics

 After the initial inspiration for starting off a Blog post, what drives the "meat" of your post?

I find that having a good selection of related images, serves as additional fodder, and stirs up appropriate 'filler" sentences and more ideas to make a satisfying blog post.

It's debatable whether the actual topics that I write about are blog worthy enough :) , as I can see from the number of comments i (don't) receive, and  from the fact that I still don't have a featured post yet! .. ;)

But getting back to the subject of this post...

Where do you get the right images from? You cant just copy and paste any images, as that is not ethical nor legal.

And simply giving credit to the owner of a photograph of illustration, may not always satisfy usage licenses.

I stick with getting my images for both, my website, and my blogs, by buying royalty free images from Fotolia

I like the straight forward way they list out the different scenarios you can use the images in, for your own work, and the associated license fee.

The good thing is, since I'm using most of the images from their huge stock, for webpages and blogposts, I have never had to pay more than a Dollar an image!

I made a small screen grab of their rates from their website (as on jan14th, 2008)

This shows the various media platforms you can use the images on, and at mostly US$1 per image, most of my real estate related images on my other blog now come from here.

This means for $1, I can use an image on my blog, website, flyer, and press releases too! 

So, if you are at a loss for that "perfect" image to complement your blog post, or your designing a Property Flyer, or any kind of written material, search the Fotolia picture base.

Chances are the images will inspire or even re-direct you with a fresh line of thought to complete your assignment without the time consuming google search for the appropriate images!






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Gary McAdams
GMAC Schwartz Property Sales - Key West, FL
I think pictures make the difference for sure.  The old saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words" is very true.  That is why graphs are so big in business presentations.
Jan 13, 2008 10:08 PM
TeamCHI - Complete Home Inspections, Inc.
Complete Home Inspections, Inc. - Brentwood, TN
Home Inspectons - Nashville, TN area - 615.661.029
Clydd, I do think that pictures do make a difference. I do my best to use photo's that I have taken. Just a personal preference. I do go out to Microsoft's clip art site to insert pictures for my Monday Morning Motivators though.  8-)
Jan 13, 2008 10:23 PM
Dave Woodson
Dave Woodson - Chesterton, IN
Not the Average Agent
Good information and pictures do make a difference.  There was a study on this some time ago and they do
Jan 13, 2008 10:25 PM
Clydd realvision - Dickens, TX

Hi All,

 Interesting and varied replies. I find that I can't seem to continue a post without it starting off with a picture.

I think there are also other "styling" factors that come into play when writing on a blog such as Active Rain. I mean the raw look and feel of the blog format on AR ( though Im no CSS guru) compels you to put in a picture or two just so that the post is easy on the eyes.

Of course, a well thought out subject in the first place scores way ahead on just a picture driven posting. 

Jan 13, 2008 10:57 PM
Nancy Brenner
Referral Associates of Georgia, Inc. - Roswell, GA
Roswell Georgia Real Estate Agent
I think that pictures definitely ad to your blog posts  But I'm too cheep to buy them - I go to the free sites.
Jan 13, 2008 11:30 PM

Hi Nancy,

 No! i'd love to bookmark any of the free sites. Please do post any recommended ones. 


Jan 13, 2008 11:41 PM
Kent Simpson
Realty One Group Mountain Desert - Tucson, AZ
Real Estate Is About People
Not bad--a buck a pop?  Good images, too!
Jan 14, 2008 01:41 PM
"The Lovely Wife" The One And Only TLW.
President-Tutas Towne Realty, Inc. - Kissimmee, FL


Ain't no way I am buying images...I like stealing them from Flickr and Google :)

I can also make them on image chef.

It's not that I'm cheap or anything. I just prefer to spend my money on real CRAP :)

P.S. You had to have seen that one coming :)


Jan 15, 2008 09:33 AM