The Denver Metro Area real estate market doing very well!
June Quick Stats
Denver Metro Single Family Housing Stats:
Active Listings: 9,074
- Down 36% from June ‘11
Under Contracts: 4,330
- Up 13% from June ‘11
Solds: 3,981
- Up 21% from June ‘11
Average Price: $324,497
- Up 11% from June ‘11
Average Days on Market: 71
- Down 28% from June ‘11
Denver Metro Condo Housing Stats:
Active Listings: 1,851
- Down 51% from June ‘11
Under Contracts: 1,033
- Up 11% from June ‘11
Solds: 923
- Up 18% from June ‘11
Average Price: $181,578
- Up 15% from June ‘11
Average Days on Market: 74
- Down 41% from June ‘11
Real Estate News
Something incredible just happened and not many people know about it. The metro Denver real estate market has come ROARING back but the mass media has missed the boat and is just beginning to get wind of it. Consider these facts:
The inventory of homes for sale is down 36% in the past 12 months.
The number of sold homes is up 21% in the past 12 months.
The average Days on Market is down 28% in the past 12 months.
The average price of a home is up 11% in the past 12 months.
An amazing turnaround has occurred in our market so let’s take a look at historical home prices to highlight the fact. The graphic shows metro Denver residential home prices by month for the past seven years. Look specifically at the line for 2012. What you see is a stunning rise in prices starting in February of this year and continuing through today. In February home prices were at the high end of prices over the past four years, but well below the highs of 2006 and 2007. Starting in March homes prices began leaping upward and have not stopped since. Today, prices are just under the all-time highs of 2006 and 2007. This is what a recovery looks like!
Real Estate News – The Market Has Come Roaring Back!
Roy Johnson
Real Estate Broker
Your Castle Real Estate
First time buyers, repeat buyers, home sellers, investors!
Sources: Metrolist MLS, Your Castle Real Estate