
Why picking the RIGHT Real Estate Web SITE is important!

Real Estate Agent with Century21 AAIM
So I just did a basic search for ALL of Knoxville, TN on to make sure my NEW listing 1424 W Woodshire was still #2 on page 1 (shameless plug) and I noticed there were 2,210 listings between 0-180k.

Using the EXACT same criteria on Zillow, there were 1,479 listings.

731 LISTINGS DIFFERENCE! "What you talkin about Willis?"

Check it out for yourself using your own #'s and see if you fe...el the need to inform the public of these hack sites!,new_lt/house_type/25428_rid/pricea_sort/36.156172,-83.454208,35.760443,-84.396286_rect/9_zm/0_mmm/

Richard Harbin
Century21 AAIM - Knoxville, TN

Trulia was not so bad at 2,034 if you don't mind missing out on 176 homes!,TN/SINGLE-FAMILY_HOME_type/0-180000_price/

Jul 17, 2012 11:29 AM
Richard Harbin
Century21 AAIM - Knoxville, TN

If anyone ran your #'s for your area, please let me know!

Jul 17, 2012 11:31 AM