
Maronda Homes - 7 Tips for Home Safety While You’re Gone on Vacation

Home Builder with Maronda Homes








Summer is in full swing! Time for family, fun and plenty of festivities. If a vacation is on your to do list, Maronda Homes would like to share some practical tips for home safety until your return.

1) Don’t broadcast your vacation agenda. While it’s tempting to post your upcoming plans on Twitter or Facebook, don’t! It’s just not worth the risk. Tell a trusted friend or neighbor, but not the whole neighborhood.

2)A simple timer hooked up to lights, television and radios will give the appearance that someone is home while you are away on vacation. Adjust the timer’s settings to reflect your normal routine.

3)Outdoor lights with motion detectors are also a strong deterrent to would-be prowlers.

4)It may seem obvious, but many people don’t ask the post office to hold their mail until they return from vacation. Overflowing mailboxes are a sure tip-off that no one is home. Ask the post office to hold your mail or have a neighbor pick it up regularly. The same goes for newspapers if you have a subscription.


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