HI Everyone,
One reason Normandy Park continues to be a surprising value is the Community.
The example for today includes meetings of neighbors which shape the look and feel of this center for unpretension value.
January 17 7:00PM at city hall ( 801 SW 174th St) Discuss establishing a process for allowing community identification signs for neighborhoods. How big, good landscaping, quality materials, what does such a sign say about the vision for the city? Don't miss it.
Same night- Discuss siting Essential Public Facilities. That means power plants, sewage plants, correctional and administrative facilities. State law guides development but special local considerations need to be acknowledged. City value will be impacted.
Other discussions include Construction Noise guidelines and Geologically Hazardous areas.
Is this a city-wide Superbowl? Could be.
More details on the website ci.normandy-park.wa.us
See me about townhomes under construction, fixers, view property and about the otters. e mail. jjudd@johnlscott.com
johnlscott.com/jjudd for lots of local links from my website.