Red Rose Singles of Lancaster PA August 2012 Newsletter
20 singles dined out on the deck of the Roseville Tavern July 13. It was too hot to dine outside on July 17 at D&S Brasserie - 98 degrees and humid – but 24 of us ate inside in the air conditioning! The dine-out at Hoss’s by the Lancaster Airport was a big success, with almost 30 in attendance.
Here’s the line-up for August:
Sunday, August 5 - Singles Dance at the Valencia Ballroom, 142 N. George Street, York, 7:00-10:30 pm. Entertainment by DJ Ray. Admission $10.
Tuesday, August 7- Red Rose Singles meeting – Farm & Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster. Sign-in starts at 7:00 pm; meeting starts at 7:30 pm.
Friday, August 10 - Dance at the American Legion, Arcadia Rd, Lancaster, eat at 7:00 pm, music by the Silverhawks, 8:00 pm - midnight. Admission $5.
Sunday, August 12 - Singles Dance at the Valencia Ballroom, 142 N. George Street, York, 7:00-10:30 pm. Live entertainment by Rumor Has It. Admission $10.
Sunday, August 19 –Singles Dance at the Valencia Ballroom, 142 N. George Street, York, 7:00-10:30 pm. Live music by The Headliners. Admission $10.
Tuesday, August 21 – Dine-out at Mick’s All-American Pub, 1411 Columbia Ave, Lancaster, 6:15 pm.
Sunday. August 26 - Singles Dance at the Valencia Ballroom, 142 N. George STreet, York, 7:00-10-30 pm. Live entertainment by Saxy. Admission $10.
Please bear in mind that the dances are not sponsored by Red Rose Singles, and are only provided as information.