I have blogged several times about my experience mentoring a new agent that came to our office last spring. She had left a career as a teacher due to budget cuts and since she had always enjoyed looking and talking about properties she decided to pursue an new career in Real Estate. When I met her the first time she was full of energy and prepared to hit the ground running. We looked at properties and she began learning the basics of all of the paperwork required to sell a home. She learned fast and wanted more. Unfortunately her energy and enthusiasm came to an abrupt halt when it came to Lead Generation. She hated it and decided she couldn't do it. She decided that teaching was her real calling and soon had found a part time teaching job and left Real Estate. Sad to see her go, but it was the right decision. End of story? Nope.
About 10 days ago I received a frantic call from her in the late afternoon. She was showing property to a young couple that were family friends. They were looking in an area far outside our normal wheel house and now of all things, they wanted to write an offer on a property they had visited. Panic! I agreed to meet her at the office and help her out. The property was not listed on our normal MLS but I was able to get into the proper MLS to look it up. Comps were nearly impossible as the nearest one was almost 2/3 of a mile away and the others well over a mile away from the subject property. She was in full blown panic mode. She wanted this to just go away so she could get back to teaching music. No one in our office was familiar with the area so when she asked if anyone would take the clients their were no takers.
She was almost in tears. I told her stop. I knew the broker and the team leader of the office that had the listing. I suggested she tell her clients to call the office in the morning, ask for Tim and explain that they wanted to write an offer on one of their listings and needed agent. They did and used my name when talking to Tim. They wrote the offer and were waiting to find out if it was accepted. End of story? Nope.
A few days ago I got a call from an agent I didn't know in Tim's office. He said that Tim had recommend me as the go to agent for referrals in my area. He needed someone to take a listing and asked if I was interested. Yes, I was interested. I met with the clients an now my sign stands in their front yard. I expect multiple offers and a quick turn around on this one.
I discussed how I handled the situation with my broker and she said I did absolutely the right thing by suggesting they call the listing office. Turns out by doing what I though was right got me a listing less that 10 days later. Wow. End of story? Who knows!
My name is Dale E. Bledsoe with Crown Key Realty and as always I may be reached at 209-481-6031.