
Homes for Sale in the Craig Ranch Subdivision of McKinney, Texas

Real Estate Agent


Craig Ranch, located just north of Dallas in McKinney, TX, is a master planned

community that mixes vintage America with modern technology. Craig Ranch homes a

multitude of builders including K. Hovnanian Homes, DR Horton,  Highland Homes, 

Beazer, Dunhill Homes, and CB JENI Homes, so no matter your style preference, 

Craig Ranch can find a home to fit you.  However,  the Craig Ranch community is far

more than just great homes, in a Craig Ranch community, you are surrounded by

great people, great events and an overall great atmosphere. 


"Craig Ranch embraces the American tradition of community that is enhanced by an environment of family and neighborhood. The core essentials of home, nature, connection, health and fitness provide a self-sustaining environment for the community." 



Click below for information on Craig Ranch subdivisions:

The Estates : 1 Million - 2.5 Million

Grand Lodge : 1.3 Million - 1.9 Million

The Settlement : $195,000 - 1.9 Million

The Villas : from the mid $300,000's

Times Square : luxury apartments


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Team Honeycutt
Allen Tate - Concord, NC

The Craig Ranch Subdivision sounds like it has everything to offer homeowners.  It looks like you have good builders in there. That is always good for sales.


Aug 10, 2012 12:36 AM