The very first thing you need to know is that in order to make money with your blogging efforts you're going to need lots and lots of the right kind of traffic hitting your blog on a daily basis.
But how do you go about getting this traffic over to your blog?
Well for starters you figure out the exact type of prospect you want to target with your blog. If you're a real estate agent looking for buyers then you would want to target consumers in your area looking to buy a home.
I know this sounds simple but there's a reason why it does. It's because it is!
Well sort of.
The idea here is to be as detailed as you can when identifying the prospect you want to go after. Some of my apprentices really have a hard time with this and if this happens to be you feel free to give me a call at 517-483-3187 and I will be more than happy to offer you a hand at brainstorming a bit about the type of prospect you need to be targeting with your blog.
I know two real estate agents who work in the Miami area who both target home buyers with their blogs. But one of them likes to cater to high end clients and the other bargain hunters.
So it's not enough just to say you are targeting consumers who want to buy a home in your area. Again you need to be as detailed as possible with this. Are you going after trophy home seekers? Bargain hunters? Foreclosed properties?
Until you identify the precise type of prospect you want to target don't even think about going further with this program! It just won't do you any good and would be a complete waste of my time as well as your own if you attempted to do so.
Matt LaClear
517-483-3187 -- mobile hotline for my apprentices
517-483-3187 -- mobile hotline for my apprentices