North Pole, Alaska
Welcome to North Pole, Alaska; the home of Santa Claus and Eielson Air Force Base. The 354th Fighter Wing is the host unit at Eielson and supports operations, maintenance, and medical functions of the Pacific. Eielson is also home to Alaska's Air National Guard 168th Refueling Wing, the 353rd Combat Training Squadron, Arctic Survival School, Detachment 1, 210th Rescue Squadron, Detachment 632 OSI and Detachment 460, the Air Force Technical Applications Center.
Located 26 miles southeast of Fairbanks (9 miles southeast of North Pole), Eielson began life as a Satellite of Ladd Field, currently Fort Wainwright Army Post. Construction began in 1943 with the completion of two runways, each 6,625 feet long. Closed temporarily at the end of World War II, the base was reopened in 1946. Eielson's first operation unit, the 57th Fighter Group, consisted of P38 Lightenings, P51 Mustangs, and P80's, the first jet fighter used by the United States. The 354th currently flies the F16 'Viper.' As a community we are proud to have two military instillations in our hometown. We take great pride in welcoming the men and women who serve at Eielson Air Force Base and Fort Wainwright into the Fairbanks community. We're proud of your service and honored to have you call Fairbanks home. |
Many of you have requested and spent a great deal of time vying for a slot at Eielson primarily because Alaska is an outdoor enthusiasts paradise. Within a few hours drive we have some of the best hunting and fishing opportunities imaginable. From the White Mountains to the Brooks Range to the unparalleled beauty of Prince William Sound, Alaska has it all. Enjoy your time in Alaska... you might find you never want to leave! Call or email us for a free relocation package. We would love to welcome you to Fairbanks.