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Helping People

Real Estate Agent with DaltonWade Real Estate Group SL3205993

How many people can you help in a day?

It is estimated that each person has a sphere of influence,That is they touch lives in one way of or another of over three hundred people. Considering the number of these people who are married, the list shoots to close to 500. Of these 500 people, how many do you suppose,know someone who is struggling with high mortgage payments. How many of the 500 people do you suppose know of some one, who recently got married, got unmarried, lost their job, was transferred needs someone knowledgeable, skilled,and competent to help them with some Real Estate issues? Who better to help them than someone they already like and trust, namely you.

When was the last time you sat down at your phone, and called people you know, asking if they knew of anyone that could use your help?Could this simple act of kindness and compassion help your business?

It can make your business.

One of the exciting things this market has done is to remove the part timers .The order takers have gone on to work in other fields and have left the competent professionals to do what they have been doing all along. Helping people with their Real Estate problems.

Would it be stretching things to believe that out of every ten people you know, someone knows someone who needs your help? And if by helping that person it resulted in a closed transaction, which on the average might pay $5000.you could by doing nothing more than helping friends and loved ones end up making roughly $250,000.per year. What about people you meet this coming year who is going to help them?

How many people can you help in a day?

Tara Colquitt
Tara Colquitt, The Credit Woman, LLC - Philadelphia, PA
Credit Counselor
I totally agree with this philosophy. And it is working well for me in giving me exactly what I need when I need it.
Jan 15, 2008 10:55 PM
Cathy Glass
Realty Executives Associates - Knoxville, TN
Realtor - Knoxville, Tennessee
Such a good reminder.
Jan 15, 2008 11:01 PM
Charlie Ragonesi
AllMountainRealty.com - Big Canoe, GA
Homes - Big Canoe, Jasper, North Georgia Pros
Great post. It is always back to basics and we need to be reminded. Thanks again for a great post
Jan 15, 2008 11:03 PM