Real Estate in Hendricks Woods, Easley SC
If you want to live in a quiet country setting, Hendricks Woods Subdivision is a goodchoice. Conveniently located in downtown Easley, Piedmont, and Liberty, you will love the peaceful environment of this community.
The homes in Hendricks Woods Subdivision are mostly traditional and craftsman style home built by local builders. Prices of homes for sale in this neighborhood range from $210,000 to $245,000. The average home in this neighborhood is approximately 1800-2500 Sq. ft.
The schools for Hendricks Woods are Hunt Meadows Elementary, Wren Middle School, and Wren High. These schools are all under Anderson School District One which recently received high marks on the state’s new Federal education accountability system for 2012.
See Homes for Sale in Hendricks Woods Subdivision
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